
Planned Parenthood Research Paper

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Abortion has been one of the most controversial topics in America for many decades, especially when it became legal in 1973. Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy. There are many opinions on this issue, like is it the woman’s choice to terminate the pregnancy? Should abortions only be allowed during the first trimester? Are Plan B pills a form of abortion? When deciding on whether or not a life continues, all of these, and many more, questions need to be asked. Abortion is extremely expensive and harmful to the body of the mother. With all of the controversy, and issues that arise for the woman, and the death of a life, abortion should be made illegal in the United States. One of the biggest debates over abortion is …show more content…

The largest provider of abortions is Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is an organization help people get contraception, plan for families, reproductive problems, and give abortion. This organization use to be funded by taxpayer money. If abortion is a choice, then why did people who don’t agree with it still have to pay it? By defunding Planned Parenthood, the money that was going towards it, will now be put towards other nonprofit health facilities. These facilities will offer much of the same services that Planned Parenthood does, but excluding abortions. Women and men will be able to receive free contraceptives without insurance, and care for STIs. Abortions through Planned Parenthood cost nothing for the woman, which means the way abortions are paid for is by taxpayer money. The first-trimester abortion pills cost $475 without insurance, and no insurance company in Iowa covers abortions (“Abortion In Obamacare”). For surgical abortions, the cost depends on how far along the pregnancy is, but usually that cost is from three-hundred dollars to over one-thousand dollars (Fisher). With the cost being so expensive, and the taxpayer money paying for the abortions, they should become illegal, so the expense is not …show more content…

Most insurance in Iowa cover all types of birth control for women, but even without insurance the most expensive contraceptive pill is fifty dollars. Although birth control does alter the woman’s body in order to prevent conception, it is still less harmful than an abortion. Abortions can cause bleeding for up to thirty days. It also causes extreme cramping in the uterine area. Some women vomit violently for many days after receiving one, so not only is a life being taken, but the mother is also being harmed. By taking birth control, in an manner, the woman is taking a precautionary step to prevent pregnancy, but this decision only effects one person, the woman. The choice of life is never brought into question, if a life is never

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