Abortion has been one of the most controversial topics in America for many decades, especially when it became legal in 1973. Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy. There are many opinions on this issue, like is it the woman’s choice to terminate the pregnancy? Should abortions only be allowed during the first trimester? Are Plan B pills a form of abortion? When deciding on whether or not a life continues, all of these, and many more, questions need to be asked. Abortion is extremely expensive and harmful to the body of the mother. With all of the controversy, and issues that arise for the woman, and the death of a life, abortion should be made illegal in the United States. One of the biggest debates over abortion is …show more content…
The largest provider of abortions is Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is an organization help people get contraception, plan for families, reproductive problems, and give abortion. This organization use to be funded by taxpayer money. If abortion is a choice, then why did people who don’t agree with it still have to pay it? By defunding Planned Parenthood, the money that was going towards it, will now be put towards other nonprofit health facilities. These facilities will offer much of the same services that Planned Parenthood does, but excluding abortions. Women and men will be able to receive free contraceptives without insurance, and care for STIs. Abortions through Planned Parenthood cost nothing for the woman, which means the way abortions are paid for is by taxpayer money. The first-trimester abortion pills cost $475 without insurance, and no insurance company in Iowa covers abortions (“Abortion In Obamacare”). For surgical abortions, the cost depends on how far along the pregnancy is, but usually that cost is from three-hundred dollars to over one-thousand dollars (Fisher). With the cost being so expensive, and the taxpayer money paying for the abortions, they should become illegal, so the expense is not …show more content…
Most insurance in Iowa cover all types of birth control for women, but even without insurance the most expensive contraceptive pill is fifty dollars. Although birth control does alter the woman’s body in order to prevent conception, it is still less harmful than an abortion. Abortions can cause bleeding for up to thirty days. It also causes extreme cramping in the uterine area. Some women vomit violently for many days after receiving one, so not only is a life being taken, but the mother is also being harmed. By taking birth control, in an manner, the woman is taking a precautionary step to prevent pregnancy, but this decision only effects one person, the woman. The choice of life is never brought into question, if a life is never
Planned Parenthood is a “non-profit organization that provides sexual health care in the United States and globally” (Plannedparenthood.org). This includes supplying birth control and contraceptives, testing and treating STDs, and giving abortions. Planned Parenthood has received funding since Nixon in the 1970s when he amended the Public Health Service Act, but recently uproar around the idea of the government funding of Planned Parenthood started (Our History, Planned Parenthood.org).
The most interesting thing I learned about the history of reproductive control in the United States from the readings is the fact that throughout it’s history, the support or lack of support of Planned Parenthood has been largely impacted by what is going on in the world around it, rather than the essence of what Planned Parenthood stands for. For example, in Jill Leopre’s article “Birthright: what’s next for Planned Parenthood?” she talks about how the economic status of the United States has affected how much support Planned Parenthood has received. She says, “During the Depression, when more and more people were interested in having fewer children, Gallup polls found that three out of four Americans supported the legalization of contraception.”
Planned Parenthood was founded in 1916 by Margaret Sanger, her sister and her friend. It all started when they opened America’s first birth control clinic in Brooklyn, New York. Women didn’t have very many rights back then so it was hard to obtain information on birth control or contraception. the Comstock Laws were responsible for making contraception illegal. They decided to make a change and start Planned Parenthood. Sanger decided to open the clinic because she had seen the pain of her mother having 18 pregnancies, bore 11 children and died at the age of 40. She wanted to help the other women who were having unwanted pregnancies to have a form of prevention. Sanger keeps on fighting though and founds The Birth
Republican Senator Ted Cruz believes that leaders are lying about wanting to defund Planned Parenthood, or PPFA. Planned Parenthood is a non-profit organization centered on helping those with sex education and healthcare. There are many misconceptions about Planned Parenthood that people like Ted Cruz are not willing to look into. Shutting down the healthcare organization could greatly affect adults and youths all over America. If Cruz were successful in shutting down Planned Parenthood, millions of people would be without any form of healthcare, millions of women would no longer have the option of free health exams, and the United States’ youths could be at risk because many of them would live in ignorance about their health.
(A) Let’s take a moment to imagine an ice cream shop. (B) It provides many different flavors, flavors that are really good, but there is one flavor that some people just don’t like. You wouldn’t try to shut down the whole ice cream shop simply because one flavor displeases you. If you really didn’t like that flavor, just avoid it. Simply because that flavor is available to you doesn’t mean you have to get it, maybe somebody else really wants that ice cream flavor, it is not up to you to tell them “I do not like that flavor, therefore I want it to be unavailable to you.” (C) Taking down the ice cream shop is just ridiculous, and would definitely ruin more lives than it would benefit. (D) In the same fashion, fighting to defund Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood Federation of America is a nonprofit organization that provides reproductive health services both for females and males. Services include screening for and treating sexually transmitted diseases, infections, and providing contraception. Another service they provide is abortions; although controversial in 2014 the organization reported that only 3% of their services were for abortions. The organization manages more than 820 health centers in the United States, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Peru, Nigeria, South Sudan, Senegal, Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, Sudan, Nicaragua, and Kenya. Planned Parenthood helps over five million patients a year: most of the patients are impoverished and more than a quarter of the patients are under the age of nineteen years old. According to a latest yearly report, the organization supplied around 860,000 screenings a year for breast and cervical cancer. They also issued nearly 4.5 million examinations and medical care for sexually transmitted diseases. Approximately one-third of its resources are supplied contraceptives. In particular, in its latest yearly report, Planned Parenthood stated that it supply’s knowledge of birth control and services to three million people annually. If Planned Parenthood is defunded there will be less convenience of contraceptives will mean additional undesired pregnancies and more abortions. Out of the three hundred and thirty of the countries, Planned Parenthood helps at least half of the patients who
One in eight women in the United States develop breast cancer in their life. One in five sexually active teens has herpes. Three in ten sexually active teen girls become pregnant before age twenty. All of these statistics are shocking, but what is more disturbing is that they can typically be spotted or prevented if given access to the proper outlet, tools, and information. The epidemic that should frighten people is the plague of misinformation or ignorance to knowledge that could prevent these occurrences, or the lack of drive to find information regarding these unfortunate instances. Planned Parenthood offers a range of services that include screening for breast cancer to women, sexually transmitted disease testing to
Many want to ban Planned Parenthood because of its federal funding. Regardless, Planned Parenthood is not directly funded by the government. For instance, a client who has health insurance, such as Medicaid or Title X, comes into a Planned Parenthood health office and receives health care. Then, Planned Parenthood and its staff is paid through the insurance used. The insurance id reimbursed by the state's funds. Finally, the state gets its reimbursement by the Federal government. Medicaid and Title X do not get special uses, it is just like any other health care, it reimburse Planned Parenthood’s doctors and nurses for the medical services they provide. The government saves an average of seven dollars for every dollar spent in family planning programs(13). The federal government can choose to so-called ‘defund’ planned parenthood; even though, that does not mean the state has to stop funding it. Tax paying citizens do not like that the federal government funds it because it uses their tax dollars for the
Planned Parenthood is an organization that provides healthcare and education to both men and women, having over 650 health centers that provide healthcare to countless communities around the world. Shockingly, 78% of those who use Planned Parenthoods services live at or below 150% of the federal poverty line, showing how important this organization is to low-income families (Topulos, Greene, Drazen). Their mission statement is “A Reason for Being”, which is shown through their efforts to provide health care, advocate public policies, create educational programs, and endorse research. There are those who do not believe Planned Parenthood should be funded by the government, though, due to the fact that they provide abortions to women in need. Studies show that the effects of not having Planned Parenthood available are disastrous, causing low-income families to lack a healthcare provider and the number of those who are infected with STD’s and STI’s to rise. The biggest concern communities have about the government defunding Planned Parenthood is the effects that it would have on low-income families who would no longer have access to something that many people take for granted: health care. Although many believe that Planned Parenthood mostly provides abortions, in reality, only 3% of the people that seek help from them receive an abortion, while 97% receive affordable and, in many cases,
The topic of sexual education and women’s reproductive health is one that draws very polarized opinions from individuals drawn into the discussion. The United States holds very strong beliefs about sex education and women’s reproductive health. Although statistics on sexually transmitted diseases (TDSHS, 2014) show that these beliefs are medically harmful, they are so completely ingrained in our culture that we choose to ignore the research that says otherwise. Our textbook does not cover sex education, but it does cover the topic of Reproductive Justice, which it defines as “…being able to have safe and affordable birthing and parenting options; reliable, safe and affordable birth control technologies; freedom from forced sterilization; and
Lately, Planned Parenthood has been the focus of attention in the media because of the attacks it has been receiving from presidential candidates affiliated with the Republican Party and the party itself. The arguments leveled against the organization indicate that it is solely involved in promoting abortions and preventing unborn babies from enjoying their right to life. The debate has sparked a lot of controversy because of the arguments by some other individuals that organization is very important to the citizens of the United States because it promotes dissemination of sex education information and other aspects of enhancing the overall sexual health of individuals especially the youth. As a result, it is important to get the
The eliminating of funds to clinics will cause many to go without preventative care such as contraception. If people no longer have access to birth control, the population rate will continue to rise. When the government takes away funding, and therefore, birth control, unplanned births will happen and with that additional fees that the government will have to cough up. Sure, you save money up front when defunding Planned Parenthood but in the long run you are causing a bigger problem. As Groff states, “Family planning is a regular part of women’s health, every $1 spent on family planning saves $4. It is fiscally responsible” (1). With unwanted pregnancies, come unwanted children or children for whom we are not prepared for which go into foster care as well as
Planned Parenthood is a nonprofit organization that does scientific research into and offers advice on contraception, family planning, and reproductive problems. The organization is also known for offering legal abortion options. (Planned Parenthood at a Glance, 2014.) Recently, a video was released of Planned Parenthood showing the employees talking about selling the fetal tissue from the abortions. The organization is funded by taxpayers dollars, which caused many people to be not happy about the video. The situation caused Congress to question if Planned Parenthood should continue to be funded by the government. (Earll, C. 2015). Defunding this organization would cause many problems for men and women. There are people in our society who cannot afford the correct healthcare they need. The government funding of Planned Parenthood helps low-income families.
The establishment of Planned Parenthood began in 1916 as a necessary push for women’s justices. For the past one-hundred years, it has united women in a quest for secure reproductive rights and equality. From the opening of the first birth control clinic to the legalization of abortion and discovery of the birth control pill, Planned Parenthood has advocated heavily for the choices and privacy of women. The reproductive rights Planned Parenthood protects are those that allow women the right to choose contraception, plan a family, terminate a pregnancy if necessary, and receive reproductive health advice and service. Currently, Planned Parenthood receives governmental funding through the Affordable Care Act, Title X, and Medicaid,
In 1921, Margaret Sanger, and Fania Mindell, and Ethel Byrne opened America’s first birth control clinic; they were arrested for distributing “obscene materials” to their clients. Their trial led the United States to change their laws involving sex education and birth control. In 1938, their birth control clinic joined the American Birth Control League, which was renamed Planned Parenthood in 1942 because some found the original name to be offensive. They expanded their health care services in 1952, starting in India, and eventually expanded to Chile, Singapore, Sweden, and many other countries. Planned Parenthood was created “to provide comprehensive reproductive and complementary healthcare; (. . .) advocate public policies; (. . .) provide educational programs that enhance understanding of individual, and social implications of human sexuality; and promote research and advancement in technology in reproductive healthcare” ( ).