
Plant Fossils Chapter Summary

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This book focuses on plants evolutionary impact on the rest of the Earth. It begins by focusing on the importance of leaves to plants, as well as the presence of genes in earlier plants, without the genes necessarily being activated. It moves to a basic overview of greenhouse gases before continuing onto oxygen’s history on earth and its effects on almost all organisms. The book also comments on plants’ interaction with oxygen and the cycling of oxygen. The next couple of chapters focus especially on plants’ effect on the atmosphere. They also consider plant fossil’s ability to show evidence of different atmospheric variants, such as ultraviolet radiation and carbon dioxide levels. Then the book goes on to explain how plant fossils can also show how very different the plant was millions of years ago, by the anatomy and physiology of the plants as well as the location of the fossils. It then continues on how plants with different strengths interact with each other and end up affecting the Earth’s biosphere and atmosphere. An example is gymnosperms which use wind pollination and can colonize recently devastated ecosystems, and angiosperms with flowers and fruits, which focus on insect and animal pollination, meaning they do better in established ecosystems. …show more content…

Plants have persisted through many mass extinction events, and even today continue to cover most of the planet. It also points out ferns being some of the first organisms to re-inhabit a habitat recently wiped of life, whether by volcanoes or fire. The book further explains why there is so much variation in plants, the benefits and downfalls, of these, and the correlating effects. The author additionally puts a strong emphasis on the people and scientists who effected palaeobotany research and many research assumptions and discoveries. While plants have changed our planet greatly, by studying them, we can also solve some of science’s other

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