INTRODUCTION: This case involves the suspect using a green marker to write on the victim's large planter box in violation of PC 594(a)-Vandalism. LOCATION DESCRIPTION: This incident occurred along the east side of 99 E. Colorado Boulevard. DAMAGE: Large Planter box. EVIDENCE: I took photos of the vandalism, which were later uploaded into VeriPic. INVESTIGATION: On 05-31-17 at 0144 hours, I was dispatched to 99 E. Colorado Boulevard regarding a vandalism investigation. Upon my arrival, I met with Witness Pasadena Guide Sergio Solorio who told me the following information in summary: On 05-28-17 at approximately 1544 hours, Solorio was working in Old Town Pasadena. Solorio was walking on the north sidewalk of Colorado Boulevard approaching Big Bang Theory Alley, east of 99 E. Colorado Boulevard (Barney Beanery Restaurant). …show more content…
Solorio saw that the male was attempting to conceal a green marker in his right hand. Solorio approached the planter box and saw that the male’s right inner hand was also green. The male began walking north through Big Bang Theory Alley away from Solorio. Solorio looked onto the large planter box and saw green graffiti written on it. Solorio began taking an incident report and saw the male walking toward him. The male asked Solorio if they could keep the incident between them. Solorio believed he was referring to the green graffiti on the planter box. Solorio told the male he would keep the incident between them, if he didn’t write on the planter box again. The male reportedly said, “Ok”. Solorio finished his incident report and later took a photo of the male (see attached
I knew Officer D. Pedersen was at 107 16th ST SE located in the city of Auburn, King Co, WA, for a rock being thrown through a living room window at about 2216 hours. Officer Pedersen later told me the victim, Kenneth Bickham, was in bed when he heard his window break. Officer Pedersen said Bickham did not see who broke the window, and did not know how the window was broken. Officer
On 08/09/2017 I, Deputy Daniel Pruitt was dispatched to 11512 West 65th Street for a vandalism complaint. I spoke to Karen Pierce who made the following statement.
Upon arrival, I met with Lake Ridge Student Quarzaza, Imani B/F, dob 04/22/1998 and her dad Quarzaz Mongo who said that someone hit her vehicle while it was parked in the school parking lot in front of the Pac. Quarzaza said that she parked her vehicle at approximate 6:74 a.m. in the parking lot near the Pac before the start of school. Quarzaza said that when she went to her car at approximately 3:09 p.m. after school, she noticed that she had damage on the back right side fender. Quarzaza said that an unknown w/f driving a black truck drove by and told her that she had seen a red pick-up truck hit her car. Quarzaza said that the unknown suspect left a white piece of paper on her windshield with nothing written on it.
Upon arrival, Officer Jimenez made contact with the victim identified as Alfredo Rosas(H/M-DOB11/16/1969). Rosas advised Officer Jimenez that someone broke through his bedroom window without his consent and took several electronic items. Rosas also advised that someone took some jewelry items and some cash.
On 06-05-17 at approximately 1947 hours, Officer Austin #0551 and I were dispatched to 300 E. Colorado Boulevard #140 regarding counterfeit bills being used at the location. Upon our arrival, I met with Witness Kimberly Annette Lucas, who told me the following information in summary:
On 10/28/12 at approximately 1330 hours, Deputy J. Berner and I (Deputy M. Young) was dispatched to 2712 Dwight Road in reference to a domestic disturbance. Upon arrival, I met with, Mrs. Tiffany Howell (complainant).
On 12-05-17 at approximately 1017 hours, I responded to 442 N. Los Robles Avenue regarding a psychological evaluation. PPD Dispatch advised that a female, White was yelling incoherently at the above location. Officer Gawlik #3116, Officer Herrera #3595 and Officer Killgore #7231 were on scene prior to my arrival.
Upon our arrival, Officer Ramirez and I witnessed the front door to the residence had been forcibly opened and was left wide open. The door frame was broken off and the deadbolt lock was still engaged. Officer Ramirez and I cleared the residence and did not locate anyone still inside.The cabinets to the entertainment center as well as kitchen cabinets were left open and items appeared to have been taken. I located a black and yellow Crowbar a pool table. The master bedroom appeared to have been
Prior to leaving the scene I did check the vacant residence directly behind 1431 Holly Trail East per Nita Dobbs request. While checking the residence I did observe the back door leading to the deck to be open. I observed no signs of forced entry and it did not appear as if the residence had been burglarized. I
On August 4, 2017 at approximately 2:40pm, Officer Lucas Griffin and I, Officer Kyeishia Evans, with the Ville Platte Police Department, was dispatched to 902 West Lincoln Street, Ville Platte, Louisiana, in reference to a business alarm. Upon arrival I witnessed a maroon 1999 Chevrolet Tahoe bearing license plate number ZTC679. I checked the vehicle and it was locked; however, I noticed the car was warm, as if the car had just been parked in the parking lot. I also noticed the back door of the business was opened. Officer Griffin and I checked the inside of the room; however, there was no door in the back room where you could enter the business. While checking the inside of the room we noticed damage to the tiles on the ceiling. I advised
Officer Acosta interviewed Victims and Witnesses at 814 N. Garfield Ave and stood by with evidence until ID Technicians recovered. See Officer Acosta’s ADD report for further details.
On Thursday, August 31, 2017 at approximately 2232 hours, I was dispatched to a residence across the street from 2220 University St in reference of a suspicious person inside of a black truck. Upon arrival I spoke to the complainant Ms. Delisa Smothers. Ms. Smothers stated that at approximately 2230 hours, an unknown black male went inside her neighbor's truck located across the street at 2221 University street.
According to the Fontana Police Department report number 1514522, on 8/09/15 at approximately 1527 hours Officer Carlson was dispatched to the VFW Bar in the City of Fontana in reference to a robbery that had just occurred. Officer Carlson arrived on scene and contacted the victim Guillermo M, who was sitting inside of the VFW drinking water and looking upset. The victim explained to Officer Carlson that he was walking home and was cutting through a field behind the VFW to get to another street. Guillermo M. stated that two subjects approached him in the field and asked him, “Do you know who owns this city?” The victim told them that he did not, and the suspect replied, “South Fontana.” The victim stated that the suspects
The above caller requested police to meet him at his residence for a criminal mischief complaint. The caller related the children from 326 W. Centre St. were in the alley on W. New York St. throwing items and heard one of the items (believing it was a rock) strike the side of his vehicle (Jeep).
watches two men approach his schoolhouse. One of the men was Balducci, a friend of Daru and