
Planter Box Case

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INTRODUCTION: This case involves the suspect using a green marker to write on the victim's large planter box in violation of PC 594(a)-Vandalism. LOCATION DESCRIPTION: This incident occurred along the east side of 99 E. Colorado Boulevard. DAMAGE: Large Planter box. EVIDENCE: I took photos of the vandalism, which were later uploaded into VeriPic. INVESTIGATION: On 05-31-17 at 0144 hours, I was dispatched to 99 E. Colorado Boulevard regarding a vandalism investigation. Upon my arrival, I met with Witness Pasadena Guide Sergio Solorio who told me the following information in summary: On 05-28-17 at approximately 1544 hours, Solorio was working in Old Town Pasadena. Solorio was walking on the north sidewalk of Colorado Boulevard approaching Big Bang Theory Alley, east of 99 E. Colorado Boulevard (Barney Beanery Restaurant). …show more content…

Solorio saw that the male was attempting to conceal a green marker in his right hand. Solorio approached the planter box and saw that the male’s right inner hand was also green. The male began walking north through Big Bang Theory Alley away from Solorio. Solorio looked onto the large planter box and saw green graffiti written on it. Solorio began taking an incident report and saw the male walking toward him. The male asked Solorio if they could keep the incident between them. Solorio believed he was referring to the green graffiti on the planter box. Solorio told the male he would keep the incident between them, if he didn’t write on the planter box again. The male reportedly said, “Ok”. Solorio finished his incident report and later took a photo of the male (see attached

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