How Plastic Surgery Helped Reshape the World
As we see throughout the years, plastic surgery also known as cosmetic surgery has become more and more popular every year. Plastic surgery has increased to nine percent from 2000 to 2001. There are many various types of procedures that could make the body the way the person prefers it to be. The most popular surgeries that are performed include facial reconstruction, liposuction, breast implant, arm, thigh, and many more. The word "plastic" in "plastic surgery" does not mean "artificial", but it comes from the Greek word "plastikos", which means to give shape or to form. Though the revolution of plastic surgery is very well known in today's society, the invention of plastic surgery can not
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No other dressing but this cement is used for four days. It is then removed, and cloths dipped in ghee are applied. The connecting slip of skin is divided about the twentieth day, when a little more dissection is necessary to improve the appearance of the new nose. For five or six days after the operation, the patient is made to lie on his back, and on the tenth day, bits of soft cloth are put into the nostrils to keep them sufficiently open. This operation is always successful. The artificial nose is secured and looks nearly as well as the natural nose, nor is the scar on the forehead very observable after a length of time." (Prasar 2)
Without the invention of plastic surgery, the punished individuals in India would not be able to have their bodies reconstructed after they served their punishment. The beginning of plastic surgery helped create the first technique of skin grafting, which helped change the appearance of individuals with disfigurations. Therefore plastic surgery's primary purpose was to help repair awful and quite serious injuries and as time progressed plastic surgery found its way to help war victims during World War I and World War II.
During the late 1800s and the early 1900s the World War begun. The war left behind many injured soldiers with shattered jaws, blown-off noses and lips and skull wounds caused by the weapons
Did you know more than 16 billion dollars was spent on Cosmetic Surgery in 2016? (ASPS 2017) Throughout the many decades, cosmetic surgery had become widely known method to enhance an appearance. In recent years, this procedure has become prominent not only among adults but also among adolescents however, popularity does not mean it is safe and the best option. There are numerous negative effects of cosmetic surgery that people, especially adolescents should consider before undergoing such procedures. Some negative effects of cosmetic surgery are high expenses, high medical risks, promotion of unhealthy body image and adverse psychological conditions.
While most people generally categorize war as a deathly arena consisting of gunfire, the stench of rotten corpses, and the cries of trauma of soldiers; war can be seen as a time for prosperity and growth in the medical profession. The lack of resources in battlefield hospitals, cause people to believe that treatment options are limited. However, history has shown that these limited resources provide an outlet for creativity and exploration, the seeds to advances in the medical profession. During the American Revolution, more casualties were due to illness as opposed to gunshot wounds, opening up the eyes of medical professionals that new ways for disease prevention were needed. Additionally, before World War II biomedical research was limited
Many people have had plastic surgery to change their looks or prevent a broken part of the body to be shown. “Just because the name includes the word plastic doesn't mean patients who have this surgery end up with a face full of fake stuff (Gupta).” There are already procedures for most of the human’s body. However, taking plastic surgery should never be taken so lightly. Since there are many types of plastic surgery, you’ll be able to have a lot of options. Breast surgery can be operated when women are feeling uncomfortable with their breasts. There is also breast reduction to help from physical discomfort. Liposuction is used to vacuum fat from different parts of the body. When operating, tools such as ultrasound, mechanical, and laser devices are used. Another type is facial cosmetic surgery. Rhinoplasty is a surgery that reshapes the person’s nose in order to get the look they want. A facelift strikes to remove wrinkles on the patient’s face. This will lead to more of a
Plastic surgery is a special type of surgery that can involve both a person 's appearance and ability to function. Plastic surgeons strive to improve patient’s appearance and self-image through both reconstructive and cosmetic procedures.
Images produced by the media will make people do almost anything to fit American standards of the perfect body. Plastic surgery offers a quick fix to help achieve this goal but no matter how much surgery nothing is perfect. Images produced by media, quick fixes and the outcome of the fixes are problems that women of all ages deal with.
Plastic Surgery is a controversial topic nowadays. Some men and women believe that plastic surgery is a great chance to have finally the body, face, and even romantic life always dreamed about. In the U.S. the plastic surgery television shows have made these ideas more popular and common than ever. Some men and women have other reasons for want plastic surgery Such as people who want plastic surgery have disfigurements to the face or body because of birth defects or genetic problems. The rise in plastic surgery in U.S. is a bad sign for future. Plastic surgery is not always a good thing for everyone. Cosmetic surgery should be prohibited for teenagers and people having psychological problems.
Thesis: Plastic Surgery has been a problem in American society. People shouldn’t feel ashamed of their body, their looks, or be insecure about any body part because everyone is beautiful in their own way. Problems of plastic surgery include expenses, health issues, and medical malpractice.
Plastic surgery can be delineated as the branch of surgery concerned with therapeutic or cosmetic repair or re-formation of missing, injured, or malformed tissues or parts. (“Plastic
The definition of plastic surgery can be resumed as the process of rearing parts of the body. This process is typically recognized by the transfer of tissue, either in the treatment of injury or for cosmetic reasons. When idealizing plastic surgery, majority of the people think of it only as a change of personal appearance. For example, breast augmentation or liposuction. Plastic surgery aides people who have gotten burned, by replacing the burned skin with other tissue from another part of the body.
Often, there is a disconnection between the self whom we present to the world and our “true” self. Some people try to blur the line between the person they are in the inside and the person they present to others. They try to rub out their imperfections and use plastic surgery to try to become that person they think they really are. However, plastic surgery does not change one`s “true” self.
In recent years plastic surgery is something that has become a very popular trend, and also where many young people are even lining up for it. Plastic surgery is to reconstruct or repair parts of the body, especially by the transfer of tissue it can be used for treatment of injury or cosmetic reasons. It enhances one’s physical appearance, allowing him or her to achieve a look he or she desires. For example, a women’s buttocks can be enlarged or reduced, or a nose can be straightened or lifted. Many people find themselves changing their bodies and wondering if perfecting their appearance would make life a bit more perfect. Plastic surgery can enhance someone’s level of confidence and boost their self-esteem, but it is something that can have very serious consequences people need to be aware of.
Plastic surgery manly used for correct deformity since birth or tissues damaged because of illness or any anther several situations , most of plastic surgeon's works for appearance and function restoration such as : trauma , hand fractures , congenital deformity( ear reconstruction ,cleft lip and palate ) ,cancer ,and post cancer cases like mastectomy for breast reconstruction , facial reconstruction , burn and scar revision and peripheral nerve repair and many of cases which called cosmetic or aesthetic plastic surgeries it's used to help the patient to achieve what he think it is the desirable look for him ,also for increase his self esteem and satisfactorily toward himself such as: thighs lift , tummy tuck , fat liposuction breast lift and eyelid lift and much more different surgeries. In the past years there is noticeable progress in the plastic surgeries in different areas such as : flap physiology, bone biology , tissue engineering and craniofacial .(1)(3)(5)
The first applications of plastic surgery have been over 2000 years ago in ancient India, described “Ayur -Veda ". There were attempts to restore noses from the forehead skin, as it was the custom to cut off criminals for punishment ears, nose and lips. First this type of “operation” appeared in 1450 in a similar way in Italy. There, the Sicilian doctor Branca from Catania took the forearm skin for nasal reconstruction.
To sum up, plastic surgery is aimed to make humanity look better. Thousands of people have these operations performed each year. However,
We live in a society where people worship beauty. As far as recorded history people have gone to extremes to seek beauty. From foot binding in China to wearing strangulating corsets in Victorian era. People from different race and culture have experimented in every way possible way to look beautiful prior to this popular age of plastic surgery. It’s very common to hear people complain about their appearance, whether it’s their crocked nose, thin lips or flat chest. Remarkably, plastic surgery has been the solution for people who complain. Most people tend to think of plastic surgery as only cosmetic surgery and not as reconstructive surgeries. Plastic surgeries seems to be an invention of modern technology; however its roots lie in the ancient history of India. An Indian surgeon contributed towards the establishment of plastic surgery, it was intended to correct physical deformities acquired during birth, accident, disease or war. These surgeries did not gain the popularity it has today until the First World War. It was during the late 60’s, when doctors started realizing the endless possibilities of plastic surgeries. With the help of this surgery a trained surgeon can replace an amputate body part, remove skin cancer, get rid of unattractive scars and visible birthmarks or rescaling a nose or enhance body parts. Today more and more people from different age groups opt for plastic surgeries to obtain dramatic physical changes. These surgeries were envisioned to restore