
Plastic Surgery Junkies: Why Are Perfectly Pretty Women

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Davis, Sally Ogle. “Plastic Surgery Junkies: Why Are Perfectly Pretty Women…” Cosmopolitan 222.6 (1997): 218. MasterFILE Premier. Web. 23 Jan. 2017.
In the article “Plastic Surgery Junkies: Why Are Perfectly Pretty Women Getting Hooked” by Sally Davis, explained how perfect women are getting changes done to their bodies when it's not needed. She describes how people today are obsessed with their flaws and what people think about them just to fit in. She also said that the main reason people felt the need to change themselves was because of the use of technology and the idea of looking like a model and celebrity.
Her opinion of this paper is reliable because in ebsco host she has more than one article written by her. Some of her …show more content…

“When Looks Can Kill.” New Scientist. 192.2574 (2006): 18. MasterFILE
Premier. Web. 23 Jan. 2017 In the article “When Looks Can Kill” by Rachel Nowak, it informs how wanting to look good has its ways of killing a person. Plastic surgery not only can kill a person, but can cause cosmetic issues (not free risk at all). Surgeons have to be aware of the conditions when they operate on a person. Rachel also says that getting a procedure done can cause mental health issues and dissatisfaction with the outcome they get out of it. Not only can looks kill, but it is very costly.
Rachel's article is reliable because she has statistics that she spent time to research and figure out exactly what kind of procedures can injure a person. In this article she really doesn’t have any biases because she just normally bases it off of what can hurt a person. This article can help me in my research and paper because it just tells me some of the issues or problems you can get from getting plastic surgery. It can also help me write the statistics in my paper of how many people get procedures a day.
Stephanopoulos, George.”Plastic Surgery Risks.” Good Morning America (ABC) (2015): 1.
Regional Business News. Web. 23 Jan.

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