
Plato 's Ideas For Making Life

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a. In Athens: 10 AD, it’s a compact place about a quarter of a million people live here there are a fine balls, theaters, temples, shopping malls, and gymnasiums. With the weather being warm for more than half the yeah it is the perfect place to be at the time. This is also home to the world 's first true and probably greatest philosopher: Plato. He born into a prominent and wealthy family in the city and devoted his life to one goal: helping people to reach the state of Eudimonia (fulfillment). Plato is often confused with Socrates Socrates, he was an older friend whom taught Plato a lot, but didn 't write any books. Plato wrote lots of them, 36 full dialogs beautifully crafted scripts of them imaginary discussions in which Socrates is always a lot to the starring role. Among them: The Republic, The Symposium, The Laws, The Meno and The Apology. Plato had four big ideas for making life more fulfilled.
1. Think More: We rarely give ourselves time to think carefully and logically about our lives and how to lead them while sometimes we just go along with popular opinions. In the 36 books he wrote, Plato showed this commonsense to be riddled with errors prejudice and superstition. Fame is great, follow your heart, money is the key to a good life, the problem is popular opinions edge us towards wrong values careers and relationships. Plato’s answer is Know Yourself. It means doing a special kind of therapy: Philosophy. Subjecting your ideas to examination rather than acting on

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