
Plato's Allegory Of The Cave

Decent Essays

In Plato's “Allegory Of The Cave” he expresses that people are innately born with abilities like thinking and communicating, but their individual outlook on life is relative to their experiences in life; their educational awareness. Like the men chained in the “cave”, restricted to see only shadows of images cast by fire light and muffled echo sounds of voices; if one is restricted from experiencing new things, places or ideas, then in life their reality is limited to only the experiences they have had. The shadows the prisoners see on the wall are their reality not the actual objects that made the images. As our text “”Think” buy Judith A. Boss indicates, experience and facts we receive from additional resources is the basic level of thinking. Without continued facts and experiences, without education, our thinking is limited to our narrowed reality (shadows). …show more content…

Like in the “cave” these groups use their limited information as a whole to form their perception of reality. Once imprisoned in the “cave” your mind is shaped or formed to believe what the others in your group to be true or real. If a individual does not experience subjective data and use that as factual evidence, then that individual can be controlled to believe what the group believes due to ignorance or narrow-mindedness. For example in the passage “no one questioned the shapes”, the men that were still chained would not accept what the freed man had told them. They could not perceive a reality beyond the one they had seen day after day, the shadows. Some individuals live with a reality so long that they do not question things easily explained or accepted the group. Some will not accept a change at all even when confronted by another group member with factual evidence contradicting their conditioned

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