
Plato's Allegory: Why Am I Here?

Decent Essays

Why am I Here?
Why am I here? A question asked by almost every human being during various times of their life. According to Plato’s Allegory we are here to be educated, open our minds and live a life that it filled with knowledge and experiences. I came to Concordia to get an education and to play soccer. I love the New York area, it is far enough from home that I feel like I am in a new place, living a new life. When one lives life with an open mind and allows them self to see the world and learn from each event they experience, they will live a much more fulfilled life; a life with purpose. In Plato’s Allegory, Plato uses various objects like light, shadows, and chains to symbolize lessons he wants readers to get out of life.
We are always going to have shadows in our lives. As I have grown to where I am now, my shadows have started to disappear. Shadows are barriers that block you from seeing the truth or reality. It is our job to find the light that will clear away those shadows. From a young age, someone can have shadows that can make them naïve or ignorant. As a person ages, develops, and gains more knowledge from things they experience, the shadows begin to fade. As people grow to make build their own ideas and opinions, they begin to make …show more content…

Light opens your world and mind by allowing you to see things you did not see before. The more light that shines in your life, the brighter your life will be. Light and knowledge give you opportunities and allow you to move father in life. It is our purpose to find things that give off light in our live; from people, to books, to places, it is each person’s job to find things that make them a better person. My light comes from my family, school, and church. They teach me about love, about being my best self in all my endeavors, and about having faith. All of these things make me a better person, I am constantly learning new things about myself every

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