For my observation I went to Medusa Comics & Cards in Plattsburgh and participated in a Magic: the Gathering (MTG), draft tournament on the 18th of March during the afternoon, along with seven other participants all being male. Draft is an MTG format where each participant gets three booster packs, and take turns picking a card from each of the packs as they rotate around the table, keeping the cards they pick. At the time there was also a Yu-Gi-Oh tournament going on in the back of the shop with around ten to fifteen participants, who were all male and generally somewhere between eight to fourteen years old, although there were a few young adults present as well and one sixty year old. The MTG draft tournament cost thirty dollars to enter, …show more content…
The reason for their warmth might be in their reason for going to the draft, which was to have some fun matches against other people and hopefully open an eighty dollar card. Those of the draft and those playing in the Yu-Gi-Oh tournament were part of a party group and a secondary group. The types of social interaction on display at the tournament were competition, due to them playing a card game where there can only be one winner and the prize offered for winning. The role the draft players had in society were as competitive card game players. The role of the Yu-Gi-Oh group is more interesting however, paraphrasing from what the owner of the store said about his interaction with the Yu-Gi-Oh players, is that the store is essentially a “daycare center” for the kids playing there. The parents come in and drop off their kids to play a card game for three to five hours on a weekend while they get some alone time. It is also of note that only one three females entered the store while I was there, my mother, a parent and a teenager with some male friends and did not stay for
When a men’s teams win a game, they receive so much money per game for their program, but the women’s team do not make any money when they win games in tournaments. Andrew Zimbalist admits, “The total value of a victory in the men’s tournament is approximately $1.56 million. By contrast, a win in the women’s tournament brings a reward of exactly zero dollars” (1). If the male athletes are going to give money to the winner of the men’s tournament, there should as well be money given to the winner in the women’s tournament as well. It does not make sense that one would receive so much money for their program when the other can also win and bring no money back for their program. To me, this shows that people think the women’s tournament is not as important as the men’s tournament. People tend to think that the men’s team is better because the men are stronger and faster, but women’s games can be just as entertaining as the men’s
MILLERSBURG — A Millersburg man is in custody, charged with drug trafficking, after local law enforcement found drugs and evidence of trafficking during a Monday search of his home.
West Virginia was the 35th state in the United States on June 20, 1863 and it’s the mountain state. This state usually ranks up to the top ten apple production. The states bird is the Northern Cardinal, Flower Rhododendron, animal black bear, tree sugar maple, colors old gold, blue and song is Carry me back to old Virginia. West Virginia is home to More than 1.85 people. In West Virginia about 82% is livestock and 18% is crops. This state was separated from Virginia State during the civil war. West Virginia is located in the middle of the Appalachian Mountains.
CNN)A gas leak at a Motel 6 in Bremerton, Washington, caused an explosion so severe it brought down a section of the building and flung firefighters 20 feet away.
Title IX was signed in 1972 and states that “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance” (Anderson). With the law being signed in, a 560% increase of participation at the college level and 990% increase at the high school level (“Title IX Myths and Facts”). This shows that women are interested in getting involved and playing and participating in sports but the lack of opportunity kept females from getting involved at both levels. Given the opportunity to tryout for a team or even play recreationally, women jump at the chance.
In monumental clashes for the ages, both collegiate men and women’s NCAA March Madness tournaments have provided countless matches, unprecedented athleticism, and glorious victories paired with heartbreaking defeats. Yet despite their similar structures, the two tournaments have attained vastly different levels of recognition in the United States. With men’s basketball, thousands of Americans tune in every year to watch the upsets and Final Four games, drooling over perennial powerhouses such as Duke University, University of Kentucky, and University of Kansas and unknown underdogs like Butler University, Wichita State University, and Virginia Commonwealth University as they all compete in titanic battles. Everyone from retirees to college students fill out fantasy brackets yearly in volumes reaching millions, praying to have that lucky year where they predict the tournament correctly. However, on the female side of the sport, audiences are
Multiple sports currently played by both men and women have had a tremendous impact by Title IX.Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 simply bans gender discrimination allowing equal participation by males and females in any sport of their choice (Cummings 182). Through this portion of the Education Amendments of 1972, women have gained more playing opportunities and caused athletic departments to expand. Permitting women to participate in sports, provides many benefits to sports teams participation wise. SInce women are no longer allowed to be denied the chance to play on a team because of their gender, more teams must be created in order to fulfill this order. The impact of Title IX has reached high school and college level athletics. Just in 1980, the percentage of female college athletes increased from 15% (1971) to 30 percent, practically doubling (Title 73). High school sports have evidently been greatly influenced by Title IX. Back in 1971, 249,000 females participated in high school sports while last year (2013), there were 2.7 million participants, a significant increase (Murr 557-68). Not only have sport teams gained a large amount of female players, but they have also increased in popularity for this reason. Many minor sports, such as soccer and field hockey, have had a huge increase in both male and female participants, ranking them higher (Stevenson 486-505). Having participation from both genders allows one sport to gain popularity amongst others.
People on the other team might fight with the ref because there's a girl in the boys league causing a mess. Boys might also take it easy on the girls thinking they are going to be easy and the coach might get mad because his players aren’t playing with their full potential which might upset the crowd. The players might also get discouraged if the coach is yelling at them because they are not playing good because a girl on the other team. There also might be a really good girl at sports and boys might be jealous and not like it because its a girl and people might want to injure her. Girls might also get angry because they will get older and when she goes to sign up the person might say no because she’s a girl and girls have to sign up for their own female leagues.
Woman’s sustained involvement in ‘male’ team sports has only occurred relatively recently. Woman’s participation in sport has been blunted by
I looked at a Sports Illustrated magazine. The target age seems to be between 18 and 30 that is the age of most people watching and following sports. The target sex seems to be male considering all the advertisements with young girls. This magazine is not really targeted for a specific occupation but the average working-class male sports fan.
Astonishingly, sexism still exists and in 2002, columnist Stephen Moore expressed, allowing women to play in March Madness is “annoying” and the tournament would be better without them (McDonagh & Pappano, p. 237). He believes women in sports intrude and ruin “precious moments of bonding” (McDonagh & Pappano, p. 237). This all begins with the idea men are better than women. These mindsets believe men have superior talent and therefor deserve to have their own sports. They should not have to share with the lesser sex.
Sports become stereotyped as gender-neutral, feminine, or masculine based on conceptions regarding gender, gender differences, and beliefs about the appropriateness of participation due to gender (Colley et al., 1987; Csizma, Wittig, & Schurr, 1988; Koivula, 1995; Matteo, 1986). Sports labeled as feminine seem to be those that allow women participants to act in accordance with the stereotyped expectations of femininity (such as being graceful and nonagressive) and that provide for beauty and aesthetic pleasure (based on largely male standards). A sport is labeled as masculine if it involves the following: 1) attempts to physically overpower the opponent(s) by bodily contact; 2) a direct use of bodily force to a heavy object; 3) a
Gender disparity in video games is a topic that both scholars and major gaming icons have discussed before. However, the topic recently resurfaced with the upsurging population of female gamers. The integration of females was a spectacle that caused a massive culture shock. Many members of the gaming community were unsure how to handle the change and took to discriminating females. While discrimination may seem unimportant, many scholars and icons believe it is a prominent factor of gender disparity: an environment which typically favors males, a hostile or “toxic” atmosphere, and repeated stereotypes all manifest certain behaviors of both genders that can cause a disparity to grow. Although some sources claim gender disparity is evident in gaming as a whole, others insist the novelty of female discrimination in video games is less prominent due to a more leveled percentage of male-to-females in gaming. However, both agreed that the competitive gaming community is a different story. Time and time again the competitive gaming community was mentioned for its exclusion of women due to biased and misogynistic members who sexualize and degrade females. These members believe women are inferiors that encroach on their territory with unskilled and seductive natures. Therefore, for the females in the gaming community, their actions will shape the future of women in the competitive gaming community. The change in female treatment is detrimental to gender disparity. Not only because
There are many repercussions that are projected upon both men and women when they enter into a sport that typically isn’t thought of as gender appropriate. Some of those cultural and social stigmatisms may be abandonment by your peers, and friends questions regarding your sexuality, and even in some cases criticism as to how you are living your life. In some cases, it may lead to you not being accepted by either group, theone whose norems you are not following, of as well as the one with whom you are trying to get involved. This paper will address all of these issues and how these seemingly negative situations can, will, and are, leading to growth. It will also discuss how this is a situation where repercussions are