
Plattsburgh Observation

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For my observation I went to Medusa Comics & Cards in Plattsburgh and participated in a Magic: the Gathering (MTG), draft tournament on the 18th of March during the afternoon, along with seven other participants all being male. Draft is an MTG format where each participant gets three booster packs, and take turns picking a card from each of the packs as they rotate around the table, keeping the cards they pick. At the time there was also a Yu-Gi-Oh tournament going on in the back of the shop with around ten to fifteen participants, who were all male and generally somewhere between eight to fourteen years old, although there were a few young adults present as well and one sixty year old. The MTG draft tournament cost thirty dollars to enter, …show more content…

The reason for their warmth might be in their reason for going to the draft, which was to have some fun matches against other people and hopefully open an eighty dollar card. Those of the draft and those playing in the Yu-Gi-Oh tournament were part of a party group and a secondary group. The types of social interaction on display at the tournament were competition, due to them playing a card game where there can only be one winner and the prize offered for winning. The role the draft players had in society were as competitive card game players. The role of the Yu-Gi-Oh group is more interesting however, paraphrasing from what the owner of the store said about his interaction with the Yu-Gi-Oh players, is that the store is essentially a “daycare center” for the kids playing there. The parents come in and drop off their kids to play a card game for three to five hours on a weekend while they get some alone time. It is also of note that only one three females entered the store while I was there, my mother, a parent and a teenager with some male friends and did not stay for

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