In the Lighthouse center, play is an essential and critical approach in children’s development process, where play is a medium for children to grasp reasoning and practice questioning toward obtaining understanding. A medium not only for physical development but also for richer experiences of science, music, math, and art-play. The lighthouse not only offer outside play area, but also provide indoor playground gym with plenty of space for free and directed open play. playground that promote a super fun way to introduce young children to movement, which help children develop physical coordination, strength, and flexibility, as well as providing all seasons every day never ends enjoyment. Having an indoor playground in the daycare is vital and valuable, especially within the northeast region, where the climate is not really appropriate for outside play every day. …show more content…
It's not only has enough space for each equipment, but also have a separate space for each children age group to move freely in their play area. All equipments have been carefully chosen to meet the children's capabilities, accommodate their needs and help children learn how to be part of a group and allows them to learn the skills of cooperation, problem solving, sharing, and working within groups. All equipments intentionally chosen to meet the safety standards concerning the children's age group. All the playground area was clean and free of any litter, where children can play freely and safely. All equipments have been chosen to promote child development process in a safe and comfortable environment. The center promotes and encourages using the playground area for learning activities as well as free
1. Suggest an appropriate literacy play center for a 1st grade class. What does it teach/reinforce? What materials do you need?
1.Briefly explain why it is important that the team work together when supporting children and young people’s play.
The book Their Name is Today is an amazing book filled with a lot of practical ways to allow our children grow up in a better and content environment. The topic that stood out to me the most in this book was the importance of play for a child’s growth. I agree with Arnold when he stated that a playground is a child’s classroom and that play is a child’s work.
All the activities should be held in appropriate environment i.e. the environment should be right for the activity. Whether indoor or outdoor, there should be enough space to carry out the activity. An example of appropriate planning would be in the instance of a climbing frame or balance beam. When setting up this activity factors such as is the equipment near any obstruction, is the equipment appropriate for age and needs. There should always be enough room for children to move freely around the learning environment and they should be able to access resources safely without risk to themselves or others.
Finally, I work hard to create an indoor and outdoor environment that enriches, challenges, and encourages children to develop interests, connect with each other, have alone time, and learn through play. I accomplish this goal by continually assessing my play materials, adding new things, gauging my children’s interests and needs, and adjusting my environment accordingly.
Children’s development occurs through active participation in activities. In this home you have been learning all about how to play alongside and with the other children, this has helped you to gain confidence and strengthen your social skills. Collaboration with adults and with other children plays a central role in your development. You have a wonderful environment here where you get to develop and refine your physical skills like running, jumping, swimming and climbing. You have really developed your confidence. You really enjoy helping with gardening and other jobs with
Display learning objects in a home-like environment. Also accessible to children learn and play with them. Provide proper space for children to play and learn while separating diaper changing areas. Distinguish the outside play area and parking area for parents to pick up and drop off. Change out indoor play equipment after a length of time to keep the children excited to explore new things. Also as a caregiver you want to promote cleanliness in the environment as well.
In this program our child care providers have a hands-on interaction with the children. They guide our early learners through child directed play. The child care staff provides different learning opportunities by supplying an array of activities based on the children’s interests. This program will allow the children an opportunity to become leaders in their learning, by exploring and discovering their play environment on their own, with peers and through guidance from the staff. Although we have many open-ended play opportunities, we will have a few structured activities for the children to participate in. We find it important to keep some structure within the daily schedule as this will allow the children the
It is important to make the best possible use of space and equipment so the children can enjoy the activities.All children will have equal opportunities to develop movement skills and the environment will be changed to help children practise the mivements skills.When planning physical activity we ensure that no child is excluded from play and activities are modified as necessary.
There are many inventions, but only few manage to influence your daily life. For me this is the Play Station Four. The Play Station Four has influenced me by allowing me to explore virtual worlds, and play online games with friends.
Policy makers, funding organizations, and educators see a need for daily activity in schools as a way to combat childhood obesity. While most agree that recess is necessary for schoolchildren, there is much debate over whether recess should be structured with activities led by an adult, or unstructured with children choosing and organizing their own activities. Some people believe that unstructured play is a better for children because it allows students to be more creative and develop problem-solving skills. However, structured play is actually better for students because it keeps children more active, fosters important qualities and skills, and keeps the children safer and more engaged during class time.
This child care center flourishes with creativity. The environment is molded by family orientation and the thriving of learning. The building is red brick all the way around with black roofing. The outside has a look of professionalism and welcoming to all who enter. The flowers and shrubbery change by the season and the cleanliness of the area is inviting to all visitors. Upon coming in the front door, the warmth of the lobby is immediately comforting. The art work of the children grace the walls and the smells of the kitchen indicate the chef is at work preparing the meals of the day. All classrooms are open door and to all who wish to visit, with permission of
Pediatric wards should influence play activities that contribute to cognitive, physical, social, and emotional development, facilitate the social-emotional bonds of children with their families, and improve coping and adjustment to long-term care. Both indoor and outdoor pediatric ward play areas are designed with these various aspects in mind, all while considering childhood age groups. Furthermore, ideal play areas can be organized by functional contribution, with activities scheduled for substantial functional coverage, all while taking specific ailments into consideration, along with family participation. The grid in Figure 1 illustrates that with clever activity scheduling, some spaces are adaptable for all age groups, while others are alluringly separated for those in early childhood from those in middle childhood, not only for optimal results, but for safety as well.
It was a beautiful and sunny day at Montessori Children House. I rang the bell, which indicated the end of outdoor play time. Children started putting away tricycles and sand toys, stacking the blocks and walking towards the classroom door. Within a few minutes, the outdoor play area was cleaned up and almost most of the children returned to the classroom.