Bottom: I will do it! What beard should I wear for the play then? Quince: Whatever kind you want. Bottom: I will wear a straw color beard, orange-tawny beard, purple-in-grain beard, or french crown color beard. Quince: Some French don’t have beards at all. You will play it without a beard. Here are you parts. I want you to learn them by tomorrow night. Meet me in the woods, a mile out of town, by moonlight, and we will rehearse. Bottom:We will meet there and the rehearsal will be perfect. Work hard, Learn you lines. Goodbye Quince: At the giant oak tree in the duke’s forest we will meet. Bottom: Be there or don’t show your face
My name is Claire and I play the flute at Lakota, I'll be one of your students next year. I made an very irresponsible decision and that is I decided to record my audition last minute, which means Mr.Roller didn't have time to cut my recordings, so I am going to send you the minutes on each song. Sorry for the trouble. Thank you so much for considering me.
"That's not normal, not a lot of people have that braid down the center of their beard, so we feel like he's going to stick out. Even if, at this point, he shaved it, somebody knows who this guy is, and we need them to give our detectives a call. We need to find these
“Ocean steam rising to form clouds”This metaphor helps express how the beard grows and how it grows like nature, a natural process. This adds complexity to exploring the association with the ritual of shaving by turning a simple routine into
Deep in the heart of Clutch City Beard Man lives in his lair. A message brought from Sir Beverly Interrupted him from his training. He came with great urgency he told Beard Man “The Splash Brothers took the “The Crazy light Boost’ He was shocked “how could you let that slip away from us” He boomed. “How shall we get it back, sir” he Avowed. Beard Man declared “I shall make a quest a quest to the west a quest to Oracle the home Of the Baby Faced assassin and his splash brother.” he asked “Don’t you mean us sir.” “No! He beamed you have done enough already I will set out tomorrow at dusk you stay her and protect the clutch city.
I hurried to get dressed with a black shirt with the sleeves rolled up past my cast. I also wore a red tie and black skinny jeans. I could only sing so we had to use the track guitar. Last thing I had to do was my vocal warmups. I finished and went to the side of the stage. My mind was swirled with thoughts as the video ran and our cue was said to go on stage. My microphone was on me and I was as ready as I was ever going to be. We all ran on stage and started to play. We started with undisclosed desires. Since I didn’t have my guitar to play it gave me a chance to rest and just
"It can be a painful challenge to take the necessary time and steps needed for producing every note in life that you must play to hear the sounds of your own voice, work, and creations, which formulates beautiful orchestrations and stories with you, your family, and God." ~ Jon Barnes
"Our concert is not over "Am ready!" she said. He said, "Goodbye we will finish tomorrow."She lays on the
We get to perform the first three movements on Friday, the last day of band
You smiled at the gruff beard he had achieved and how he always had his hat. You couldn’t talk as you were wearing high waisted loose pants and a turtle neck, refusing to break your own aesthetic. Jesse got the idea you wanted to talk as you stared expectantly at him. He sighed.
I had been in band for about two years and today was the day Mr. Heggins would put us to the test that determined if he would let us try out for honor band or not. I was excited, but also very fearful. What if I didn’t do well and had to hear him say “maybe next time” I was tired of hearing that. I had worked so hard and I just wanted a chance to audition. To be able to audition for honor band would be great, just a chance, and if I didn’t make it, there was always next year, I just wanted to try.
Thank you so much for giving me a role in the play! However, I have just been accepted into an advanced band-type performance group as the lead vocalist. Because of how much time after school that it requires, in addition to being in chorale, and several other out of school activities, I am unable to make almost every rehearsal. Unfortunately, because of this, I will not be able to be a part of the school musical this year, but I will definitely be out in the audience!
After doing exceptionally well in my district-level audition, I had the opportunity to continue to try out for the state level. Now, throughout the first audition, I had the help of a few people. Of course my middle school band director, Mr. Carter, had helped me on this treacherous road; however, a man named Andrew Bennett had also decided to chance with me.
I had prepared for this moment for six consecutive months, hours upon hours of practice. Every day I practiced the same musical
Familiar with the beard hat? For anyone who has not seen it yet, it is what the name suggests. Basically, it is a beanie that extends all the way down to the back of your neck surrounding your face to cover your ears, cheeks, and chin with the add on of a knitted wool mustache. This is just one among the newly invented headwear to be seen during the cold season and also among the reasons on why you should know how to pick them.
“If all goes wrong, you can come back here and we’ll chill out” My director was trying to ease my nerves at my first ever gig. I walk out into the large ballroom, find a music stand, and wait for the introduction of the song to begin. I take a breath and begin to play the first note. Flash forward to today and I am in my final year of being a violist for the Strolling Silver Strings. When I first auditioned, I didn’t really know what I was getting into. When I got accepted, I initially wasn’t going to stay in the group because I felt as if my ability as a violist wasn’t nearly as great as the other players in the group. It wasn’t until my best friend told me that the director wanted me to be in the and she wouldn’t have accepted me unless