Do i believe playing professional sports is just to risky to athletes health or do i believe they know the health benefits from playing this sport.In my opinion i believe they know the health benefits from playing this sport.I say this because they must've heard about or saw football players getting hurt and put out for the season and maybe even loosing there life playing this sport.I have heard stuff like this and i don't even watch football ,i barely even like it.I also have evidence that before they got into this sport they knew what they were getting into .In paragraph 1 in Passage 1: Weighing the Risks it states ''Professional sports offer opportunities for fame and fortune. Regardless, some players still choose to walk away. They realize
In the article “The NFL Recognizes Brain Damage to Players” the author Lawrence Gable explains that NFL players are experiencing too many concussions. Concussions can lead to suicide and several other mental issues that can affect the NFL players as well as future players. Football players and their families are suing the NFL for 765 million dollars. Gable states, “The NFL has admitted that football is causing permanent damage. Now it must convince the judge that it finally has the players’ best interests at heart” (paragraph 10). This quote shows how football is dangerous and can lead to serious injuries. Some people may believe that the NFL does not care about the players based upon the research Gable provided. The author’s purpose is
The author of both "Weighing the Risks" and "let Them Play" make arguments on whether some sports (namely american football) are too dangerous for the athletes that compete. The author of "Weighing the Risks" supports the idea that american football is far too dangerous for the athletes that compete. One claim he or she makes is that "A national football league (NFL) official testified before Congress in 2009 about the risks to players. He reported that some former players suffer from memory loss and several other brain disorders." Then the author supports this claim by saying "Frequent head injuries cause these issues. A player can injure his head in a violent tackle when he hits the ground, or from the severe impact when players head-butt each other." Another claim the author makes is that "The NFL has responded to the public’s heightened awareness about players’ head traumas. The League released its guidelines and policies to decrease player injuries." He or she then supports this claim by stating "For some, this is sufficient. However, safety policies do not appear to have much impact. Players experienced an increase in head injuries in
Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson are two of America’s most celebrated presidents during the 20th century. Theodore Roosevelt who was a Republican had a military background and created the American conservation movement. Theodore Roosevelt was also once shot by an would be assassin and still managed to give his speech. Roosevelt was famous by his quote “It takes more than one to kill a moose.” On the other had Woodrow Wilson who is a Democrat formed the idea of preserve peace. The stories about these men are the stories that are taught in our
Referring back to the original article, I cannot find the study which conclusively states that playing football leads to “brain damage, in the form of chronic traumatic encephalopathy, post-concussion syndrome, depression, and other long-term head-related injuries.” The really scary stuff (CTE) occurs mostly in NFL players—that is, in less than 0.1 percent of the about 1.8 million football players (summing those in Pop Warner, high school, the NCAA, and the NFL) in the United States, which seems statistically negligible. Moreover, NFL players move further off the grid with the length of their season (last
The lack of knowledge that the majority of athletes enter the league with causes experts on the NFL’s policies to believe that the front office does not see the injury as a serious problem in the game today. “With the subsequent deaths of several relatively young retired NFL players, the autopsies of their brains, and the newly minted diagnosis chronic traumatic encephalopathy, we know the problem is real” (Carroll). This quotation intensifies the emphasis on the true problem the National Football League seems to be avoiding. Every injury, no matter how small or seemingly unimportant, needs to be addressed. “Even the only game that matters doesn't matter as much as your brain” (Flynn). There is nothing wrong with a person participating in the sport he loves, but when a blow to the head occurs, quick and efficient action must be taken to address the situation at hand. The National Football League and its policies do not suffice in relation to this area of concern. The fact of the matter is that no game, activity, or sport is worth a person’s
Could you image you having a mild concussion? Or even your kid having one? Thinking that it will be gone in a few days, but not knowing that you could have life threatening injury to your brain, just by a blow to the head, by playing a sport. According to Sports Illustrated, in July 2014, a federal judge approved to the NFL, $765 million settlement, after 4,500 former players filled lawsuits against them, but recently, that settlement has been raised to $1 billion, covering more than 20,000 former players for the next 65 years. Professional organizations try there hardest to make the game as safe as possible, but like anything, there's flaws. Organizations like the NFL, NBA, NHL, and even the MLB, are trying to make sports as safe as possible
Football players will still play football even though they could get a serious injury, and possibly never play again. They know the risks that could happen while they are playing during a game or at practice. If they get an injury that they have to stop playing for a bit they will recover and keep on playing when the doctor says that they are alright to play. Football players get the education that they need about their injuries, and they are told that some injuries could end their football career. Getting an injury could cause a long-term injury and they could never play football again. Some long term risks that football players are in risk for are joint damage, from being hit over and over as time goes on your bones and joints become weaker, causing older athletes at greater risk of an injury.
In America, football is huge entertainment industry and brings in lots of money annually. This doesn’t mean that football is just there for the money, but it provides life long impact for some people. Football is used as a brotherhood or a family, and provides opportunities for kids to learn how to be a teammate. The head coach for J.H. Rose High School, discussed how he loves his team and wants nothing but the best for them (CNN, 2012). In addition, it is a matter of autonomy to be discussed. If a player knows the risks of football, it should be their choice whether they want to play or not. One of the football players in the video said he knows the risks and he’s willing to take them (CNN, 2012). On the other hand, some would argue the principle of beneficence and that doctors are merely trying to save the lives of many young men. In the video, it was discussed that tau proteins become present in the brain after multiple collisions to the head (CNN, 2012). Tau proteins are known to become present in the brain when an older person has Alzheimer’s or dementia (CNN, 2102). Also, is football worth a life, two lives? How many young men have to lose their lives to head trauma caused by football hits, to realize this sport is deadly. Zach Rogers was a teammate and friend of JaQuan Waller, and said how they thought JaQuan was okay and just got hit pretty hard
The other side’s argument is false in my opinion, because when looking at the NFL’s recent changes to the league, in response to concussions, there hasn’t been a strong movement to ensure their athletes are taken care of. These athletes who spend an entire career in the NFL playing football, only have limited health insurance for six years after their retirement. As research has shown though, the effects of playing professional football often last throughout a person’s lifetime. Players have worked to try and change this form of treatment, but the league has refused to even consider it. Not to mention, schedule changes over the past few years, have left players more prone to injury due to the need to make more money. There isn’t a direct focus on eliminating an issue that has already ruined so many lives and decreased the popularity of the sport. The NFL has acted weakly, in order to keep fans at bay while trying to grab every dollar that pops up in front of their
Many people may think that the players knew what they signed up for when they started playing football, but did they really? Did NFL players really know what risks they were put at by playing football? What we now know today as football was invented in 1869, the NFL was established in 1920 and Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) was discovered in 2002. Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, sounds like a bunch of scientific words for a head condition but CTE is much more than a minor head injury. CTE cause a variation of horrific symptoms like, irritability, aggression, speech difficulties and motor impairment, just to name a few. Bennet Omalu, the man who discovered CTE and brought up a living nightmare to NFL found that there was a strong link between football and the degenerative disease. According to Journal of the American Medical Association, “%99 of the 111 ex-NFLers brains’ were diagnosed with CTE.”. So, you tell me in the, 70’s, 80’s 90’s and even 2000’s did NFL players really know what they were at risk of.
The football players are aware of the risks involve with the sport and make the conscious decision to
However as athletes are reconginzed as having potential at a young age the pressure of so much training and competing could trigger a mental health illines. Teenagers and adults can feel a lot of peer pressure in everyday life and athletes need to dedicate a lot of time to their sport to be successful. Away from family and friends could be detrimental. Yet so many cope, some even thriving on the experience of being a professional athlete. It is an individual experience and no way of saying it will or will not occur. Therefore, I believe athletes are not at more risk to deveople a mental illiness because it depends on the person you are and how you cope with
If an athlete is willing to do everything in his power to help his team succeed, then he should not be ashamed of that. The choices made by the participants should be exactly that, their choices. The acceptance of risk is strictly up to the user and should not be forced upon them by a higher authority. Professional sports should be looked at for what they are, a money-making
Anti-Semitism is defined as “hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group.” The word was given a definite meaning when Hitler rose to power and became chancellor of Germany in 1933 and made certain decisions about Jews. However, this was not the first time that this term was needed. In 1807, Ezekiel Hart was elected to the legislature of Lower Canada but could not take his seat because of his religious beliefs and because the law recommended that he take an oath which as a Jew he was not eligible for. The production of religious and propaganda filled books (written by Goldwin Smith) like “La Vérité », » La Semaine Religieuse », and « L’Action Sociale” also showed severe hatred of Jews. These
In 2016, close to 600,000 people were jailed for possession of marijuana, a harmless drug, regardless of the amount (Ingraham 1). In the eyes of the law, these innocuous offenses are seen as serious crimes, and are often treated harshly. The executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance, Maria Moreno, agrees that the cruel punishment over marijuana “has devastated families across the US...for no good reason” (Ingraham 2). Marijuana has been proven to be safer than tobacco and alcohol, there is a road test for the prevention of impaired driving, and its taxation would provide money to the government that could then be used similarly to Colorado, who put most of their profit from marijuana sales towards school funding (Smith 1). The taxation of marijuana would provide the government with an abundance of revenue; If regulations on the amount of marijuana one can purchase and age minimums are set into place, combined with new methods to test for marijuana use while driving, legalizing and taxing recreational marijuana would be beneficial for the United States government.