When playing a violin, the gratification of the vibrations come to play. The strings rumble against the bow bringing pellucid sound that rings through your ears. The music pours out without thinking, and the brain works in prodigious ways that nobody can fathom. Sheet music after sheet music, the fingers move vicariously. Maybe people who aren’t musicians don’t understand, but playing violin brings me pure euphoria. It is something I am good at; it is something that allows me to present my emotions without facial expressions or speaking. I was so good at playing that I was first chair violin in eighth and seventh grade. I was number one in my class, and my only competition were a violinist named Hannah and my friend, Rachelle. All three of
To practice the violin, is to increase one's awareness of pitch and intonation, not to mention coordination.
Famed violin pedagogue, Leopold Auer, provides a detailed account of his experience in violin playing. It is written as an autobiography with personal observations and anecdotes from his career as a violinist and teacher. Later in the book, Auer gives advice about violin technique and performance that reads like an instruction manual.
The piano guys are a team of four guys with passion for making movies and good music.
Even though my makeshift cardboard violin didn’t make any sound, I still carried it with me everywhere, always eager to show people mow much I had learned.I have been playing for twelve years now and even though I have enjoyed most of it, it has not always been so easy. There have been more late nights, crying in frustration over something I just could not get, but I made it through. Playing the violin has given me the nations determined attitude to set my mind on something and to not stop until I reach my goals. Being a musician also has also made me hyper-aware in relation to anything musical.I tend to pick up things that the average person doesn’t. You can hear the subtle nuances that might blow over many people. Most people might only hear the different emotions, but I can tell you what made it so sad and what instruments were used at what time to convey such emotion. I love playing the violin, I look at it as an opportunity to express my true emotions. Each piece of music that I play is an uncolored painting that I paint with emotions. I have to take every piece of music, interpreted it and make it my
The violin is the smallest and highest pitched string instrument. It is played by a violinist or fiddler. When playing, the violinist holds the violin between the top of his left shoulder and the left side of his chin as he draws the bow across the string or plucks the strings with one or both hands. The sound can be stopped by placing a hand on the strings. The bow is made of wood and horse hair. The violin is tuned in perfect fifths. Music for the violin is written in the treble clef. In the orchestra, the violins play in two groups. These are the first violins and the second violins. In the orchestra, the violins sit to the left of the conductor in rows. The first violins are to the far left and the second violins are to the right of them. The Concert Master is usually a first violin player, and he or she sits in the front row of the first violins.
The reason for my interest in the violin has to do with my eldest sister, who played the violin during middle school. I faintly remember my sister being doubtful whether to join the mariachi or band, and my mom convinced her of joining the mariachi and playing the violin. I looked up to her because she
As a violinist I recognize the mental and physical knowledge that it takes to play an etude, sonata, or accompaniment work for
A person could lose approximately one-hundred-and-seventy calories just by playing the violin for an hour. In addition, if one were to play at a young age studies show they develop better motor skills (Lai-Tong, Brendan). How did this fascinating instrument come to light? The violin has been around for over five-hundred years; scholars have debated the exact origins of the violin. Although, most scholars agree that the violin evolved from the fiddle and the rebec from the medieval period, the early 15th century (Estrella, Espie). In its early years the instrument was not seen as being magnificent, but in time it became a huge phenomena all over the world.
Even though the size of the violin made it seem less intimidating, learning how to play the violin
The many types of violins each have been made The Acoustic which is the most used in high school and college groups the normal wooden violin. It produces a nice great sound great for solos or ensembles. The we have our electric violin a violin that is plugged into an amp and gives a great rock and roll sound used greatly by the trans siberian orchestra a awesome orchestra that I believe has gotten the orchestra name on the map that were not just Bach and Mozart,we can rock too!
Over past millennia’s, when music was first coming to be recognized, there were many different types of instruments. Over many years leading up to today, types of instruments were created and perfected, for the most part. The different instruments created over time were the woodwind instruments, brass instruments, percussion instruments, keyboard instruments, and one of those was the percussion instruments. The string instruments cover a multitude of instruments, there are orchestral types and even some that are plucked. Violins, viola, cello, double bass, harps, guitars, lute, and even ukuleles are just a few of the many other stringed instruments there are. The definition of a stringed instrument is a musical instrument whose tone is
During senior year of high school, I decided to learn the violin. I have always loved the timbre of the instrument and I longed to develop a talent that I could call my own. However, my progress was slow. My arms and fingers always tensed up when I began playing a piece. Yet, my violin instructor never let me give up. Every time I put my violin down he would urge me to continue. “Don’t hesitate,” he would tell me. “Be confident in what you play even if you make a mistake.”
My gaze penetrated a wooden resonance box which amplifies the desired sound. At the middle school orientation, a spur of the moment decision made me chose violin as my elective course. I believe that passion, practice, and patience play a crucial role in the development of talent. I gradually developed my skill to satisfaction and demonstrated it in and outside of school.
Music and art, the feelings that go through a person while the music of Mozart and Beethoven are playing, are indescribable. Listening to music can take a person away to a different era. Music like Mozart or Beethoven can really take a person's imagination soaring in a whole new perspective. Composers throughout the novel, Violin were Beethoven, Mozart, and Tchaikovsky. Violin was a truly fabulous name for this story. It contains many fantastic elements as well as realistic elements; however, it should not be confused with magical realism. Violin copy written in 1997 by Anne Rice. She has written several novels that were imaginary and fantastic. The novels that Anne Rice has written have that kind of effect on a person while
In third grade I was introduced to an orchestra program at my school district. This program was designed for students who have no experience with the violin, viola, cello, and bass. Although I already played the piano since age five, I thought learning the violin would be a fun experience. At the time I was unaware how committed I would be to the violin, my impulsive 8 year old self was simply intrigued with stringed instruments. 10 years later, I own my very own violin and continue to improve my music skills. Why I have continued to play through all these years sometimes baffles me; What are the benefits of playing a musical instrument?