
Plaza Inn Essays

Better Essays

Bloomsburg University
Bloomsburg, PA 17815
Course Outline

1. Date Prepared Spring 2005

2. Prepared By: Sonia Ammar Office: Sutliff Hall #218 Phone: (570) 389-4562

Office Hours: MWF 1:00-2:00

TTH 9:00-9:30

Web page:

E-mail: OR

3. Department: Department of Management

4. Course Number: 93.362

5. Course Title: Organizational Design

6. Credit Hours: 3

7. Prerequisites: 93.344, Principles of Management

8. Catalog Description: …show more content…

c. Class Participation: Students are expected to attend all classes and participate in classroom discussions. Overall grades could be improved by consistent classroom participation.
d. Assignments: Submit your assignment on time. If you fail to submit your assignment on time, the highest grade you can have for that particular assignment is a “B”. You will get an “F” if you fail to submit that assignment for the second time.

e. Academic Dishonesty: Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated; it will result in failure of the class or the relevant assignment. Do not present other peoples work as your own except your team assignment. I consider resubmitting previously written projects, or signing the attendance sheet for another student to be an academic dishonesty.

f. Grading Policy: The final grade for the course will depend upon the student performance on all required activities narrated in the evaluation procedures. The following scale will be used to record grades.:

(provided as example) A= 95-100, A- = 90-94 B+= 87-89, B= 84-86, B-= 80-83 C+= 77-79, C= 74-76, C-= 70-73 D+= 67-69, D= 60-66

E= Below 60

13. Supporting Procedures:

Required Text: Richard Daft, Organization Theory and Design, 8th Edition, South-Western, 2004.

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