
Plessy V Ferguson Case Study

Decent Essays

The two cases that went all the way to the Supreme Court were the Plessy v. Ferguson and the Brown v. The Board of Education. During these cases there were strong disagreements about racial segregation and how people shouldn’t be based on color. These two cases were based off the 14th Amendment of how people shouldn’t be judged. During the Plessy v. Ferguson case, there was a act called the Separate Car Act in 1890 which white and blacks had to be separated into different railroad cars. During the Brown v. Board of Education case, blacks and whites were separated into different schools. The black schools were mostly poor and the white schools were mostly wealthy. They finally noticed that there needed to be a change in racial segregation. …show more content…

Because the segregation had an effect on making classes, he judged, that it was unconstitutional and the law needed to be changed. In the 7-1 decision, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Ferguson. The majority of the people rejected Plessy’s Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendment arguments, they decided instead putting its stamp of approval on the doctrine of “separate but equal”. During the Brown v. Board Of Education case there was a strong disagreement by Linda Browns family and how schools shouldn’t be segregated on color. Linda and her sister had to walk to school everyday pass a dangerous railroad switchyard to get to there bus stop which the bus drove them to there black designated school. Linda family believed that the segregated school system violated the 14th Amendment and took the case to court. The schools were different as well as the education. They though that segregation of children in public schools solely on the basis of race deprives children, even though the physical facilities and other factors may be equal. Robert L. Carter the cause of appellate on the original argument and the argument Thurgood Marshall said. Then the plaintiffs contend that the segregated public schools are not “equal” and that hence they are deprived with equal laws. Then the question is whether segregation of children in public schools solely on the basis of race, affect the way that they are being treated. Then the question came to mind that this needed to change.

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