
Plus Minus Grading System Case Study

Decent Essays

Louisiana State University has decided to adopt a Plus/Minus grading system for the fall semester of 2015. So what does this mean? The current grading system bases grade point averages, or GPAs, on a 4.0 scale with an A worth 4.0 quality points, a B worth 3.0, et cetera. According to the University Registrar’s website, GPAs with the Plus/Minus grading system will now be based on a 4.3 scale with an A+ worth 4.3 quality points, an A worth 4.0, an A- worth 3.7, et cetera. Supporters of the Plus/Minus grading scale believe that it will reduce grade inflation and make LSU more competitive with other national schools that have a system in place like the one LSU is adopting (“A Plus and Minus Grading System for LSU”). However, many students have great concerns about how this policy will be implemented and the repercussions it will have on their GPAs and futures. Overall, the University should have been more thorough conducting its research and considered the negative effects that the Plus/Minus system will have on students and the university as a whole. Although the …show more content…

With the traditional grading system, grades are somewhat set in stone. Sure, a professor might have a little bit of wiggle room with grades, but more or less your grade is set. However, with the Plus/Minus system having 12 different levels, there is more room for more arguing between students and professors about grades. Tom Zorn, a finance professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, also agrees, “a plus/minus system means more students would be within a point or so of getting the next higher grade. That could lead to more conflicts between faculty and GPA-conscious students” (qtd. in “UNL may change”). Can you imagine all of the emails a professor will get requesting that he or she change a student’s grade from an A- to an A? This will lead to more unnecessary stress for both the student and the

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