
Pocahontas And The Powhatan Dilemma Summary

Decent Essays

Life in the New World sounded very promising to many Europeans around the seventeenth century, causing many people to set off on ships hoping the promise of better life in America to be true. Many of the newcomers felt that their way of life was far better than the life the Indians had been living for many years before. Camilla Townsend tells the story of a young Indian girl, Pocahontas, and some of her experiences with the new English colonists in the book, Pocahontas and the Powhatan Dilemma. In the story of Pocahontas, there are many examples of how the English colonists overwhelmed and destroyed Indian cultures in Virginia during the opening decades of colonization. The idea of the English overwhelming and destroying the Indians began even before the English …show more content…

The English figured out very quickly that though they had the technology that the Indian’s did not, they lacked the necessary survival skills that it would take to live in a place like Jamestown. The Indian’s were also quick to figure out that the English technology would make their lives much easier, so they offered to trade with the English. They were willing to give the English food and protection from other tribes if the English would give them weapons, other tools, and also become Powhatan’s tributaries. John Smith agreed, though he knew that the English had the opposite goal, which was to make the Indians their followers, not to follow the Indians (58). The Indians tried on a couple of occasions to make their trade for guns, but John Smith and the rest of the English would try to convince them to take something else like cannons, telling them the the guns were broken. The Indians were continuously getting cheated by trades, helping the English to survive, but getting very little in

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