In xX420_MLG_McSwaggertonXx meme “R.I.P the headphone Jack” the concept of having control over certain parts of our lives is argued. This image depicts arthur, creating a fist of his hands. The character Arthur is from a television show called Arthur. Arthur is usually filled with energy and very happy in each episode. This pictures gives us an angle of his fist only. The angle lets the viewer assume Arthur is holding back anger through clenching his fists. In the his fist is an edited part. It is the 3.5mm headphone jack. Apple decided to remove the headphone jack from their upcoming and future lines of phones. This prompted the meme to say, “When they pass you the aux but you have an Iphone 7.” The text in the image creates a scene of friends …show more content…
This scene has Dramatic irony because we know the kid doesn’t have a headphone jack but the other people in the car are oblivious to this fact. Interestingly, the author decided to include a juxtaposition between Arthur's charismatic attitude and the idea that he is mad at something. This image also creates pathos for that kid in the moment and all the people who will eventually upgrade to this new phone. Furthermore, this image also uses misdirection by expecting the answer to be the person you are passing the “aux cord” had low battery or terrible music but instead had no headphone jack at all. Additionally, this meme is directed towards teens and kids who are in a socioeconomic position to have a phone at such a young age and know about technology. Although adults would understand the humor, they will not be affected by this change as much as the intended audience will. In technological history we tend to see a pattern and trend with new ideas and ways of designs. Our generation was brought up on the principles of “no matter how small your voice is, you can make a change.” What we see in these trends are people criticizing the change but eventually accepting the fact that they can’t change
Clint Smith is a writer, teacher, and doctoral candidate in Education at Harvard University with a concentration in Culture, Institutions, and Society. Smith Clint wrote a poem called “Something You should Know.” The poem is about an early job he had in a Petsmart. The poet allows the readers into his personal life, but before he had trouble opening up to people and his work. Moreover, Clint wrote an insight in the poem about relying in anything to feel safe and he says it is the most terrifying thing any person can do.
On a ordinary day, and a ordinary date, Zac was dating a girl and they just went out to dinner. He really likes the girl and he didn’t want to get married at the time, but she did. So when she got really personal and asked if he want to get married. Zac just said ‘’No’’ and was saying how he wanted to travel to mexico and go fishing with a pretty girl like her. So they just talked about what they wanted and she realized they both wanted completely different thing. So she just broke up with Zac. He decided to head to mexico that night as soon as possible. He packed up all his things and headed to the coast of mexico. When he got there he went and bought a nice little house just on
I’m an author and columnist who currently lives in Oregon. I’ve contributed to periodicals like The Source Weekly and Shred NW Magazine. I have a degree in English literature and currently volunteer at my local library. In my free time I enjoy running, surfing, climbing, and being outdoors.
THESIS: In today’s world, the phone often provides a primary source of access to both social support and necessary data for school and extracurricular activities,” Dodgen-Magee says. “To simply yank it away would be like taking away the support of a bridge with nothing in its place.”
Four years ago, the first iPhone was released and it still remains as a popular aspect of our technological culture today. Though it is in its fourth iteration with more to come, the iPhone continues to be one of the best selling smartphones. In a fast paced world with new technology constantly being released, the iPhone is still remarkable although some might argue that it is outdated and overhyped. This device is more than just a phone to consumers, but another way to connect with the world. There’s just something about this device that has Americans camping outside Apple stores and enduring long lines to get their hands on one. Although the iPhone may seem like just another smartphone, it is a cultural phenomenon because of the way it
Night is filled with so many wonderful things, wouldn’t you say? Darkness slinking into the sky, emergent with madness and power—I always liked to think that Night was a character with assorted natures. Her beauty of an aurora, the grace of shaded streaks, peppered stars, then monsters and malevolent creatures, demons under your bed, waiting patiently for an arm or a leg to drop over the edge so they may drag you down to the depths of hell, masked figures of men gaping at your sleeping body with a leer, unseen white noises that seem to mock you, and so many more enchanting gears. Alone, your eyes are bolted and you’re clutching your bedsheets in hopes that the demons find you too unappealing to eat, but with friends? Spitting in their faces you laugh, and stride away hand in hand, not realizing you’re playing the demon.
Of all the joys that nature has to offer, my favorite is berry picking. Whether it be strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries, I love picking, and eating, them all. I enjoy watching berry canes and bushes grow and produce fruit, and I have many fond memories of this process. Because this poem reminds me of my Grandma, details every step of blackberry growth, and makes me appreciate nature more, I love the way this poem encourages me to appreciate the joy and simplicity of nature.
Grandpa now we can finally get rid of the old thing that you call an phone,". I look at Jordan in a way to let him know that I was not going to get rid of the phone any time sooner. In case you are wondering what kind of phone we are talking about its a telephone that is heavy with a long black curly cord. I try my hardest to explain to Jordan the advantages and disadvantages of having a cellphone.
Both writers have different perspectives about removing the headphone jack from the iPhone 7. The perspective of each person is all their own because of the particular experiences that person has. J. Walker Glascock’s “Apple ditches headphone jack: why some mourn loss of 'ancient' tech” was written to convince us that removing the headphone jack from the iPhone 7 was a good idea. He quotes Julie Ask of Forrester Research saying, "Apple has a
"A gentle shaking has come and what did you notice? A greater quaking is to come, consider how you will respond. This shift is about your heart, as a line drawn across your life, the truth you know and the evidence of your actions, which side of the line will you choose to stand on?
I love you, and you know its true. My life to the sword if I should be untrue. The pain I feel in missing you, is subverted by you being true. the pain of absence as it seems, will surely be but a short dream. understanding in times of need, is really what we all need. if you hold my will, i shall be still. you will see that by the by, i will not fly. on this earth, where fruit is grown. we shall plant in earnest for others to yearn.
Bob Marley? Message of peace and love. Tupac? Message of ending poverty and getting people on even level on finances.
He states “We love our phones for good reasons. It’s hard to think of another product that has provided so many useful functions in such a handy form.” By using words such as “we” and “handy” Carr creates something akin to casual conversation with the reader. Eliciting this diction includes him into the topic showing that he too uses smartphones and relates to the reader, forming trust and catching the reader’s attention. Along with this, Carr creates more of a personal connection by starting a factual statement with “So,” using phrases such as “using it some eighty times,” and using words to refer to the reader like “you’re” and “you.” This casual diction builds a connection between Carr and the reader, making Carr direct the reader’s attention to the topic as well as build trust with the reader through tactful wording. Then he expresses “Their extraordinary usefulness gives them unprecedented hold on our attention and a vast influence over our thinking and behavior.” In this statement, Carr uses strong, hyperbolic, diction, such as “extraordinary” and “unprecedented,” to represent his claim in an eye-catching manner and to show how strongly he must feel about smartphones and their impact on those who use them. Overall, Carr uses strong and casual diction to appeal to the
Death is a topic that unites all of humanity. While it can be uncomfortable to think about, confronting death in unavoidable. “Dying” addresses that discomfort and universal unwillingness to consider the inevitability of death. Pinsky’s use of imagery, symbolism, and tone create a poetic experience that is like death, something every reader can relate to. In “Dying,” Pinsky describes how people are oblivious and almost uncaring when it comes to the thought of death. Pinsky is trying to convince the reader that they shouldn’t ignore the concept of death because life is shorter than it seems.
This shows one of our first steps to becoming hands free. Now, I don’t think that we will ever be completely hands free but with my set of Bluetooth headphones, I have the capability to call from them and talk through them without having to touch my phone that’s pretty hands free! This type of device can make our everyday lives easier and better or just more enjoyable by driving,commuting to work, going on a run, workouts, chores around the house or just for fun! Most can be used for multiple things like gaming, music and recording. These, I am sure would be looked at like basic headphones in the future, but i hope it will show where some of their new gadgets started from and give new ideas to the next generation of