In conclusion, I disagree with Poeter’s argument of not including video games in the Olympics. First, for example, the platform, “Twitch” attracts a lot of gamers. As a result of this, I believe that video games should be included in the Olympics. It would attract a lot of people that normally do not watch the Olympics. Next, most sports in the Olympics do not fulfill the exact definition of an Olympic sport. Therefore, video games can be an exception to this definition too.
Addiction: Fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity. Addict: Person who is addicted to a particular substance. Videogames have become our new scape goat when it comes to having fun and doing something in our leisure time. So often, we find ourselves captivated by the new games that are coming out and any new gaming devices. Videogames have managed to take control of our minds and only leave us a pinch of freedom. Electronic games have caused us to be lazy, develop criminal behavior, and has proven to be a leading cause in mass murders. Electronic gaming devices have played a major part in the evolution of America, not only causing us to be addicts- but have given us a reason to not participate in the real world.
Here are some sports that I consider side games. Badminton, Beach Volleyball, Fencing, Trampoline, Handball, Rowing, Sailing, Shooting, Table tennis, Water Polo, Luge, Curling, Skeleton, and Bobsleigh. I think we can all say that most of these don’t need to be in the Olympics.
Can gaming be considered a sport? A question just a few years ago, no one would think is even a possibility. But now in present day; there is a legitimate debate on whether video games can or should be considered a sport. I, someone who has played multiple sports throughout my life, along with video games believe video games are a sport.
Should video games be a sport? The article I used is by Jessica Ravitz (CNN). I will tell you about University of Illinois’ video game program. In my opinion video games should be a sport. I will talk about the rooms they practice in, how parents react to their kids playing video games and how you can still get an education.
Can you imagine growing up in a world where video games are a sport. Everyone sitting down in a chair with their team, while the enemy team is across from them. Loud communication noises coming from both sides of the room. The room now in a very competitive atmosphere. The audience watching to see who will outsmart the other in this mental sport. Watching or playing video games will be like watching or playing any sport. This is why video games should be a sport.
The population that is affected by medication errors are everyday people. They are vulnerable patients who reside in assisted or residential facilities, while relying on non-licensed staff members to administer their medication or provide care. While the clients are vulnerable, the rely solely the fate of others for medication administration as well as care assistance.
Whether it’s playing video games or watching video games, we get filled with an intoxicating feeling to play or watch more. Throughout generations, there has been an increase of people playing video games and about half the population in the United States plays video games. Since 1980, video games are taken to a different level with eSports, which is competitive electronic gaming tournaments with other competitors. In 2000 to the present , eSports grew in popularity and became known worldwide because of the game “League of Legends”. In 2011 “LoL” tournament ranked over 1.6 million views worldwide and during a “LoL” championship in 2015 over 36 million people were viewing the game. ESport raises this question: “Do video games counts as sports?” Video games do not count as a sport because it does not match the criteria of a sport,video games are luck-based, and are unhealthy.
What defines a sport? Webster defines a sport as “an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment.” (Merriam-Webster). This proves by definition why gaming is a sport. It takes skill, training, practice, and the amount of people who are a part of this sport are larger than other “standard” sports.
The gaming community has recently seen a major rise in “Esports” as a way for the best gamers to show off their skill in competitions. One of the most recent Esports events that took place this summer was the Overwatch World Cup. According to the ESM.One project, over 5 million people watched the tournament on Twitch. Twitch is an online service for people to livestream their gameplay while making money through donations, subscription, and advertisements. So with the influx of viewership and the massive popularity, should video games and Esports be considered a sport? According to the Oxford Dictionary a sport is defined as, “an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment.” If someone were to ask me, “What sports do you play?” I would never respond with video games. A video game should be categorized as a competitive activity but not a sport.
Capitalism is “a system of economic enterprise based on market exchange” (Giddens, 2009). Almost all industrial societies today are capitalistic in nature since their economic structures are based on free enterprise and market competition. However, capitalism first became the dominant mode of production over two centuries ago in Western society. Over this period, there have been some major theorists who have attempted to analyse capitalism and among these theorists are Karl Marx and Max Weber. Notwithstanding the obvious differences between Marx and Weber’s approach to capitalism, particularly with regards to the content of their analyses, their appraisal of capitalism is attached to a critical position (Craib, 1997). Both Marx and Weber agreed on the uniqueness of capitalism as an economic system. A system where: relations of production were concentrated in the hands of a rather small sector of the population; labour was performed by the masses of workers selling their services on a market; efficiency became a priority through which rationality and technological advancement were applied over religious and traditional values; and the critical goal at the end of economic behaviour was unrestricted wealth acquisition i.e. maximum profit (Birnbaum, 1953). It could not simply be simply treated as just a new economic system but a revolutionary mode of production which involved a new type of society.
Sports require the exertion of opposing players to accomplish an objective while assuring loss of the opposition. This rule can be seen exemplified in sports like baseball or football, where the objective of the game is to ensure the loss of the other team. Regarding the online gaming world, the interaction amongst the players can be seen through the use of technology to form communication. With technology rapidly progressing, even every day communication has become possible through the use of outlets such as phones or social media. If we, as the common public, can allow technology to dominate our lives such that it would minimize the need for physical interaction, then why should we dismiss its use for players across the globe. It seems absurd to declare E sports as not being the same as 'real' sports solely on the basis of limited human interaction because it can be clearly seen that the internet, a platform where E sports mostly take place, connects millions from all around the world. This sense of interconnection allows players to create a strong bond with each other. They can better critique each other’s strategies and even formulate something more effective. So, as it can be represented, E sports cannot be disqualified as 'real'
At this point in my life, the last thing I expected to do was to have the courage to follow my lifelong dream of being in the healthcare profession as an Occupational Therapist Assistant. But, a heartfelt presence remained within me when I first became introduced to this field as a young woman working at a hospital. There was also a calling to assist individuals and contribute to their care and recovery in their daily lives that persisted throughout my life. Being in a position of making a difference in the lives of others is an extraordinary privilege that I do not take for granted. The dream of being part of this profession was put on hold but never forgotten, when my educational pursuits led me in another direction as an Elementary School Teacher where helping at risk students reach their fullest potential intellectually, emotionally, physically, and socially was both challenging and rewarding. My career for the past 8 years has been that of a Certified Elementary Teacher with a specialization in Bilingual Education in Spanish and English as a Second Language. I have been fortunate in this manner because I have taught underserved children in a lower socioeconomic school who are at risk of failing due to their classification of being English Language Learners. And for the past three years, I have enjoyed being the PreKindergarten Bilingual Teacher for these exceptional children and made lasting friendships with the staff and parents at this school.
Competitive gaming, also known as e-sports, is becoming a worldwide phenomenon. With huge events and tournaments that are watched by millions of passionate fans, many people are beginning to question whether playing video games can be considered a real sport. Even though e-sports may not be as physically demanding as traditional sports like football and basketball, the structure, strong fan base and the requirements to seriously contend in the competitive gaming scene legitimize it as a “real” sport.
Imagine a large arena filled with two competitive teams. The tension grows and finally, one team prevails and is greeted by stupendous amounts of cheering. There are a wide variety of video games that are popular worldwide, and are played by many different people. Video games, and gaming in general, should be considered to be added in the many sport selections because of how similar it is to any other sport: how pro players that get paid, and how a lot of talent is necessary to play.
What is a sport? If it is a sport should it automatically be allowed as a game in the Olympics? What/Who decides what events can be in and what can not? The Olympics stand as a beacon, a place for athletes across the globe to come and compete. What is an athlete? An athlete is a person who puts time and dedication into a competitive game, it does not have to be physical but it does have to take skill to play. High levels of play for video games do take tremendous amounts of skill. What is a video game? Most people think of video games as story based movies that you can interact with, but in fact they have another side that people do not see. Video Games are also extremely competitive and have a tremendous amounts of teamwork, when game has these qualities they become an eSport. Having eSports as an Olympic sport adds significant opportunities for: expanding viewership of the event, promoting the games that are played, more people would come to the physical event. However there are some negative effects to promoting video games, people who think that videogames are a waste of time, others will say that it would promote laziness in the Olympics. Overall adding esports to the olympics would greatly increase the profits and widen the range of cultures that would attend.