
Poland Influence On American Culture

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The country of Poland historically experienced a variety of dependency on countries that conquered them. As the nation struggled for independence, the traditional culture and foods adapted influence on the other controlling nations. Through history, Poland was overtaken by a variety of countries which influenced the culture and food traditions. Poland independence was significant re-established much like how the modern student and government restriction change the economy in America today. “College students’ ideas about food are embedded in the value system of U.S. society. Unlike noncapitalist societies where food exchanges reduce social distance and solidify relationships” (Counihan 113) The influence of war and economic status change of …show more content…

Along with these rebellions, in the year of 1655, the Swedes invaded Poland, as the Turks ruled Southeast Europe. Then in 1673 a Pole named Jan Sobieski was elected king, bringing us to the large change of territory in the 18th century. “The Poles have not declared war against anybody, and yet three-fourths of the burden of the war have fallen upon them and their country.”(Hausner 3) The Russian, Prussian and Austrian great powers decided to help themselves to Polish territory. The Poles quickly rebelled again in 1863, bring the country into the 19th century, when the Poles formed political movements, including the Nationalist League, the Christian Democrats, and the Polish Socialist …show more content…

Preservation is important due to the cold weather, the food had to be stored for three to four month period to supply food for the nation. “ the processes of rural changes in Poland...rather relatively ambivalent effects of such policies in the process of overcoming of historically established socio-economic discrepancies among various regions in Poland.” (Gorlach; Klekotko; Nowak 17) The most commonly stored foods were peas, broad bean, kohlrabi, and turnip. In the forests, sylvan fruits were gathered such as wild strawberries, blueberries, currants, raspberries, wild black raspberries, and even wild mushrooms. On the coast of the Baltic Sea, herring, codfish, dory pollack, sprat and sole were commonly used in Polish platters. With all the common foods came a variety of religious fasting and processing of such ingredients within the Polish cuisine. Historically, the first known fasting time was brought out upon the rule of King Boleslaw I the Brave (967-1025). He ordered to knock out teeth of those who didn't refrain oneself from eating meat on fast days. Although many of the same fasting times still exist modernly, it is not as intensive as the previous punishments on neglecting the fast. In present day Poland, many citizens continue to practice fasting on Fridays, holidays eves and additionally three times for the quarter in so-called 'dry days'

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