
Polarization Of Political Parties

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It would be wrong the deny that the polarization of the American political parties has hurt our country but has greatly damaged our form of government by the use of filibusters by the minority to stop the majority from passing a by using juvenile tactics to make the opposing party look bad. The polarization of the American political system, parties and people themselves has worsened since this book was written but it can be alleviated. Political parties have become so extreme that work is not getting done and the bills that do get past committee and out on the floor for a vote are not passed but are put on hold. While I believe both parties are partially at fault with the Republican party carrying most of the weight. The polarization of the …show more content…

I have been an advocate of third parties and term limits but the authors do not believe that these will work. Although I belong to a third party there are some limitations to a third parties’ success in the election and after they are in office. I turned to a third party because I was tired of the establishment in both parties, the war hawks in both parties, those that want to continue to raise taxes on an already hurting middle class and those that are unwilling to compromise. One of the problems that would come up with electing an independent is that there is a very small percentage of the population that are purely independent, a vast majority of Americans lean to one of the major parties. Instead of focusing on getting an independent or another third party candidate to be president we should be focusing on getting them in Congress where they could get bills voted on and perhaps start changing some minds of centrists in both major parties. Until third parties can start building steam and gain attention from the media then this is not a plausible solution. Term limits are used in California but will they work in Washington …show more content…

Republicans in Congress had widely praised these limits and the constitutional amendment that would be needed to accomplish this. In the 2016 election majority of the Republicans supported term limits and on the Democratic side Bernie Sanders is a strong opponent of term limits and Secretary Clinton has not come out for or against them. In studies conducted in the states that passed term limits it showed that it had negative effects on the members, they were less ambitious to do what they needed to for their constituents and had less time to spend on learning their area of expertise and spent more time on figuring out how they were going to jump to the next level of politics. When term limits appear to be a partisan idea there is a slim to nonexistent chance that senators and representatives would limit the time they could serve in Congress, when they can’t even pass a bill that is non-controversial. So what could the people and the media do to fix the mess in Washington

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