
Police Body Cameras Essay

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The main purpose of putting cameras on police officers is to provide accountability for actions by the police and suspects. Holding police officers accountable for misconduct will help rebuild crumbling public trust in law enforcement. Cases of excessive use of force can be reviewed from video evidence instead of the account of the officer, who may attempt to protect himself, or witnesses, who may have the complete unfolding of events or have a bias against law enforcement.
The shooting of Michael Brown by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson was one of many police use-of-force cases that sparked protests against the law enforcement, citing seemingly racist conduct by the Ferguson Police Department. In the Department of Justice report on the shooting of Michael Brown, there were a number witness accounts, later dismissed as false, that Officer Wilson shot Brown in the back as he was running away or that he was shot as he surrendered. The autopsy showed that from the bullets’ trajectories, they had to have hit from the front. Not only does the physical evidence contradict the witness accounts saying that Brown was shot from the front, …show more content…

As current policy stands, much of the footage recorded by police body cameras may become public record; anyone can request access. Neighbours could view it and it could go viral on YouTube (Boone & Schneider). Police officers who record incidents in private homes can create detailed layouts for the public to access, which can create worries about what the information can be used for. However, it will be vital to make video evidence accessible for transparency and accountability purposes while keeping privacy concerns in mind; otherwise, the utility of the cameras become severely limited. The proposed solution is to censor faces before considering its release for the public, and not until the investigation is closed

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