
Police Brutality : The Use Of Unnecessary Force And The Effective Force

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Over the past few years, the use of unnecessary force has been a very popular topic. There have been many cases of police brutality over the last few years and a lot of people say it is all about racism. Police officers are allowed to use force if they feel their life is at risk. With how advanced we are in technology and social media, people have actually used Facebook live to record these incidents. Just like citizens, police officers do fear for their lives. If they think that you could be pulling out a gun out of your pocket, they will react. Usually, that is where the unnecessary force starts. Yes, some of it could be racism. But not all the time, it usually starts where the police officers are scared for their own lives. Some people will threaten the police so that is where they feel they need to use excessive force. When people resist arrest that is going to make the police use excessive force so they can detain the person. A lot of people who are being arrested do not realize that it is easier to just cooperate with the police. They make the situation worse for themselves. One of my favorite television shows is Live PD, they record everything that happens and they always say, if you are honest and cooperative, it will be better for you. I have learned a lot just from watching Live PD, and the stereotype that all police are bad does not fit. They are all fair no matter how tough the situation is and they never use unnecessary force even though people do not comply.

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