Police Department Roles and Functions
Shontay Manigault
Kevin Marshall
Police Department Roles and Functions
There are many various functions of police agencies. Patron, traffic, juvenile services, intelligence and undercover, and special operations are just some of the various functions of police agencies. There are many differences between the functions of the police agencies and the federal, state, and the local levels. There are reasons of why you need to have various functions and roles of policing in any community.
There are a few various functions of police agencies such as patrol, traffic, juvenile services, intelligence and undercover, and special functions. There are many functions of the patrol and
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The ATF also enforces federal laws that pertain to federal taxes on alcohol and tobacco (Walker & Katz, 2011). The federal and the police agencies have many differences. The federal have more of a variety of different functions than the police agencies.
The state does not have as many functions as the federal but still have functions that make a difference. The State has some functions that the police agencies also have. The State has different kind of officers. There are State police and Highway patrol officers that patrol the highways statewide. They also have power to give traffic violations, criminal investigations, and arrest non traffic violators (Walker & Katz, 2011). The police agencies also do a lot of patrol just like the state police.
The local levels are a lot like the police agencies. They have municipal officers, county police and they have sheriffs that patrol city roads. They attend to more serious crimes that are committed in the city. The local level deals with order maintenance problems and emergency services (Walker & Katz, 2011). The county police have the same functions as the municipal officers but can operate countywide. The sheriffs have more functions than the municipal officers and the county police. The sheriffs have to go to courts and deal with corrections.
When it comes to the community all of the policing agencies are very
In the United States, there are city, county, state, and national police forces. They have very difficult and dangerous responsibilities. These public servants are required to perform many different jobs. They enforce laws and maintain order. They teach people how to help prevent crime and to protect themselves ( Mittleman, 2000). They offer assistance and take charge of many different situations such as car accidents, flooding, and hurricanes. Police
Policing major concerns are keeping citizens safe in their state and community, and enforcing their laws. The law enforcement agencies focus is upholding the law in making sure they intercede on the goal. Once Congress appointed the federal with power to regulate the United States but came with jurisdiction, containing to the United States Constitution for states to hold their own power the people must abide by laws. The police force includes protecting and serving the people and must enforce what the law is mandated. The police have several concerns with trying to protect and serve the public, keeping the communities with peace and not violated the government rules on the United States Constitution rights. The police
One role that the police have to carry out is making and processing arrests. For example, in an event like a robbery, they would have to do this to make sure that they capture the criminals or suspects etc. in order to keep the community and the public safe.
They promote safety to all the people in the county they are in and respond to the civil disorders in it. Preventing disturbance and calming riots are another part of the state troopers job. They also prepare testimonies in front of courts and conduct interviews with criminals. There main job though is to give traffic tickets and make sure everything's running smooth on the state roads in their district. Now every state except Hawaii now has its own form of state police enacted through their government. State troopers do a lot of patrolling on the state highways. In some states, they are limited to statewide traffic services. They keep the roadways safe by enforcing the motor vehicle laws. They are considered peace officers and usually have statewide jurisdiction to enforce state law. They do conduct investigations but are sometimes limited to criminal activity on state-owned property. State troopers may also use Canines to help them find criminals or evidence. If a Trooper stops a vehicle that he suspects may be transporting drugs, the canine unit may be called to have a dog search the vehicle. If the dog alerts, this gives the Trooper probable cause to search the vehicle and driver until a search
State agenies and policies are complex to say the least. Unlike federal government the state dose not have the “control over the functioning of theses agencies (Marion & Oliver, 2006 p. 356).” The state however can set policies along with procedures that the law enforcement agency is to follow. The state level is also able to set standards for training, certification along with recertification all of these local law enforcement is required to follow what the state sets. The state also is a go between so to speak for the local and federal agencies. If there are grants for instance it may be given to the state and then the state will pass it on to the local agenicies.
Clearcutting is the custom of cutting down a large group of trees in one area and then growing new trees in their place. Clearcutting has the most impact on the aquatic cycle. It can also intensify the danger of flooding. Tree roots trap the topsoil and when a tree is cut down it allows the topsoil to run off into streams and/or rivers. This also allows streams and rivers to heat up, which allows algae and bacteria to grow. This in turn with the temperature increasing, will destroy the fish and other inhabitants in the stream or river. Clearcutting doesn’t just affect rivers and streams it also disturbs the habitat of the animals that live there. Some animals must move to other parts of the forest, which could be good or bad. It just
State Troopers, otherwise called State Police and Interstate Watch, have Ward (policing power) over the whole state yet for the most part watch zones and activities that are kept up and worked by other State Level offices, for example, the Roadways and State Government Structures. Province Sheriffs keep up and work the region Correctional facilities and Watch the unincorporated ranges (regions not inside of city points of confinement) inside of a district and give policing administrations to urban communities who get the Sheriff's specialization as nearby police. Certain Divisions, for example, San Bernardino Area Sheriff's Specialty in California give hunt and safeguard administrations. City/Nearby police serve urban communities and watch inside of City points of confinement. Each State Policing association takes after the state's Correctional Code. District Sheriffs likewise implement area commands. Nearby Police take after both province commands and city statutes. Each state is self-administering over their own particular land so each is diverse as to their Penal
The principle role of police organizations is to uphold and enforce the law. Police organizations achieve this by safeguarding life and property, maintaining public order, and through detecting and preventing crime. Policing at the state level is composed of separate police organizations. At the state level we have the City or Local Police, County Sheriff and State Police, also known as Highway Patrol or State Troopers. The U.S. government gives each state the authority to self-govern so each state has its own Penal Codes and every state policing organization follows its own Penal Code. Policing at the Federal level is composed of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Secret Service, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF). Federal policing agencies oversee all federal laws.
Local law enforcement agency officials who basically represent cities, townships and villages, are mainly the initial enforcement front for criminal’s laws and traffic laws. The mayors, municipal police officers and chiefs among others, protect citizens and enforce laws although they are limited to their assigned jurisdiction. Local law enforcement may provide crime prevention, community policing programs and other programs to help in protecting its jurisdictions. One of the main role of the State law enforcement is to patrol and enforce the laws on state highways and rural areas. The also back up the sheriffs and local law enforcement areas when called to do so.
The goals and objectives of the federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies differ in what they can each handle. As a whole, they have the objective to protect and serve the public, but separately, each branch, federal, state, and local handles their own sections of the government services. For example, the federal law enforcement agencies have goals and objectives that involves the protecting of our border, making sure that we are enforcing customs regulations, as well as upholding immigration laws. The state law enforcement goals and objectives are lie with highway patrol, investigations, and emergencies that extend beyond the control and power of local law enforcement agencies (2008, Matrix Group). Whereas, the local law
A variety of police agencies to enforce the law is created by local, state, and federal law enforcement. Federal law enforcement agency is “A U.S government agency or office whose primary functional responsibility is to enforce
Police officers are government officials who are employed to administer the law and keep order in society.
2. The ability of the police to perform their duties is dependent upon public approval of police actions.
Police officers are responsible for protecting people and property. Related job titles include Sheriffs and sheriffs deputy, detectives, and state police officers. However all of these job titles have similar duties for example they are all responsible for the protection of people and property. These job titles might be very similar but they do differ in many ways. Police officers patrol the city issuing citations keeping the peace and conduct traffic stops. Sheriff 's and deputies hold practically the same duties as police officers but do so for the entire county. A state police officer could also be addressed as a state trooper. These officers usually patrol highways and issue citations and are frequently called for comprehensive law enforcement services. Detective is the title that differs from the others the most. Detectives aren 't in uniform. They investigate crime scenes and find evidence for criminal cases. Detectives conduct interviews, observe activities of suspects, and also participate in raids. Although a normal police officer does not earn as much income as related titles it is still a very demanding and dangerous job.
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