
Police Officer Interview Essay

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The analysis and viewing of these officers interviews was insightful, surprising and honest. It gives us the opportunity to hear answers to questions that create a human connection to the people who serve and protect our communities. As people are shown a particular role or attitude of police officers in media, movies or social media, this gives an individual look into why law enforcement workers choose this career and how they handle the two identities of carrying a badge and the person behind the uniform. One of the most intriguing questions from the interview for me, was “do you feel supported by the community?” To my surprise, most answers were that officers do indeed feel support from communities that they serve. I expected all of the …show more content…

Primarily because of what officer Shaw brought up about being a woman in this profession. She explained that it was similar being a woman, as maybe a minority, as an officer because of the stereotypes and beliefs that others have towards you. Either believing that she isn’t capable of performing her job well or that she received preferential treatment because of her gender. When many of the white male officers were asked what they would do if they were accused of racial bias, it seemed it was easy for them to simply “ignore” the rhetoric or accusations, because they just believe in doing their job well. Which I completely understand and believe you’d have to do with this profession to a certain degree, but it’s easy for someone to ignore issues that don’t particularly resonate with someone’s experience in life. I think these accusations, regardless of how outlandish they may be, need to be addressed for clarity. What Williams responded with really touched me. He said with his ethnicity, he’s been both the profiled black man with the puffy jacket and he’s been the officer. He understands that although not often, racial profiling does happen. And when officers really take the time to communicate and connect with everyone and explain why they do what they do, it makes a monumental difference in what someone may perceive to be happening or true in that moment. Communication will always be the key to diffusing these tough

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