
Police Subculture Research Paper

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The Thin Blue Line of Sub-culture Police officers everyday are involved in their own sub-culture, which shapes their behaviour and attitude towards society. This sub-culture is made through the bond shared through serving the community and looking out for one another day in and day out while performing his/her duties as law enforcement officers. Sticking together allows them to conquer their battles against any hardships or crisis situations faced in their day-to-day agenda. The us versus them mentality, which police officers have been labeled with raises suspicion on how law enforcement officers truly feel about the sub-culture and the community, which they serve. Every day officers are subjected to seeing brutal crisis situations, which …show more content…

This term relates to police officers refusing to come forward when he/she knows there is an officer partaking in an ethical or criminal matter (Pollock, 2015). The police subculture has such a strong grip on individual officers because of the cop code and not giving up other officers. When a police officer decides to inform a supervisor of police misconduct often threats and retaliation occurs to that officer (Pollock, 2015). Many reported incidence when an officer does come forward it shows there is a lot more officer misconduct then people are aware. Police officers will lie to one’s supervisor, and will attempt to cover up another officer’s misconduct (Pollock, 2015). Things like police subculture and the blue curtain of secrecy mask the misconduct within a police agency. Doing this specifically would show how an officer is more likely to back up his/her fellow officer then do what it right for his/her community. Because of this we can conclude police officers are cynical towards one’s community, in result of police

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