Policy is a fundamental aspect of all agencies. Policies are important; as they are what offer guidance to personnel and help them to make appropriate and well informed decisions. Policies help to make decisions, provide instruction, protect employees, and increase accountability if something goes wrong. Policies are especially important in social welfare agencies. Policies help protect clients and help to make their lives better. Policies help social welfare workers to remain unbiased and put the client first. These policies are very important to all social welfare agencies. KVC is one agency that values and implements policy on a daily basis.
KVC helps children and families by providing medical and behavioral healthcare, social
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KVC relies on this support to provide services to children, continue research, implement education and training, and implement tools and treatments. (SOURCE)
Typically, agencies are responsible for putting their own policies into effect for their child welfare program. However, some policies are automatically applied to these agencies through federal and state laws and regulations. The use of CFSRs, Child and Family Service Reviews, are helpful in reviewing and approving upon social welfare policies. CFSRs are reviews of the state child welfare system that occur periodically. These reviews make sure policies are meeting federal child welfare requirements, determine what is occurring to children and families who are using welfare services, and work to improve current policies to make them more effective. With the completion of CFSRs, an improvement plan in implemented to offer guidance to state agencies to improve upon existing programs, policies, and structures. (SOURCE) For KVC, DCF is the agency in charge of creating and implementing policies. They abide by state and federal regulations and also use CFSRs to review cases randomly. DCF takes the information they obtain from these random reviews to see what is working and what is not. With this new data, DCF works to upgrade and improve current policies and implement new policies if there is a need for it. These reviews are carried out twice a year. According to Jessica
In this assignment I am going to analyse how government policies are developed, covering all aspects of the policy making process.
Answer 7. Every single child is different and will like and dislike different activities, and their won way and pace of learning. Angela should ensure that both Manshu and Jessica are given equal opportunities and an environment that lets them grow and learn at their own pace keeping in mind the difference in their age, stage and their own individual preferences. They should feel safe, secure and happy in their surroundings. It is her responsibility to ensure she caters to their individual needs effectively by carefully planning for each child, taking observations and getting to know their personal likes and dislikes. She should ensure that both of them are heard, more importantly heard with interest and their views and
The cases they handle come from some of everywhere, but mostly law enforcement who is the first that are called when dealing with a situation involving a child. It cannot be simply said that more workers are needed. That is an obvious statement. Bringing in more workers does necessitate more work being done. The process in which workers are hired should be looked at to see what clarifications can be done as far as job requirements and duties. Currently, there are caseworkers who do their jobs accordingly when they are able. It just does not seem to be enough. They are doing the bare minimum in order to make sure that they avoid any specific ramifications that may result from them doing less than what is necessary. Being a DFCS worker is not a job that should be seeing just the bare minimum when there are lives at stake.
Policies and procedures are created to guide staff and parents / caregivers to familiarise themselves with the service’s practices, this allows them in detail information regarding what to expect from the service. Policies should be to date documents that are regularly reviewed to ensure they are applicable to all the needs of those working in such establishments.
The social work value that is incorporated in the policy is service " according to the NASW Code of Ethics (2008) Social workers’ primary goal is to help people in need and to address social problems. The second social work value that I believe is incorporated in the policy is the importance of human relationships. According to the NASW Code of Ethics (2008) ethical principal states "Social workers recognize the central importance of human relationships". Lastly, social injustice is a value that is incorporated in this policy. According to the NASW Code of Ethics (2008) the ethical principal
Tennessee Department of Children’s Services also referred to as DCS is a public, nonprofit organization that has the responsibility of protecting children from abuse and neglect. DCS provides a wide range of services to help children and their families, including temporary care for children who cannot safely remain in their own homes, as well as permanent homes for those children who are legally free for adoption. DCS currently have approximately 8,000 children in state custody (www.state.tn.us.gov).
Support is offered to children to enable them to be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution and achieve economic well-being.
After the SCR a report is produced and made public, so that the recommendations made can be known and acted upon. The processes which should be followed during a SCR are set out in the DCSF publication ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children 2010’. Serious Case Reviews have led to guidance such as the green paper Every Child Matters, and the Children’s Act 2004.
Policy and administrative practice in social services, including health administration, social security, education, employment services, community care and housing management;
When children come into the custody of DCFS and are placed into Foster Care they are scared, confused, lonely, and usually conditioned not to tell when they are being mistreated. Most of the children that come into “the system” have learned to accept abuse as normal or natural and are unaware that they are even being mistreated. Therefore, when they are placed in homes where this is occurring it is not in their nature to speak up. Once they are removed from their parents, they are solely reliant on the department for their protection and it is the department’s responsibility to provide that protection which has not always been fulfilled by the department or the foster care agencies. The department should be making reasonable efforts to provide proper services
Rianna Tandon Mr. Parry Honors English 2 28 February 2024 Only Then, You Were A Man Surrounding oneself with people of different beliefs can cause individuals to make decisions opposing their morals. This complicated tie can either complete one’s true fate or ruin the relationship. In William Shakespeare's Macbeth, the main character finds himself struggling to choose the potential Kingship of Scotland as well as his wife's desires or respecting his moral beliefs and backing down. Throughout the play Macbeth debates through complex choices, and initially, Macbeth presents himself with confidence as an honorable leader, however Lady Macbeth’s deceitful measures of manipulation drive him to plunge into a paranoid state of guilt. Macbeth begins his journey, willing to do anything to become King, but as
There are many efforts that are made each day to ensure safety of children living in the state of Mississippi. The MS Department of Child Protection Services (MDCPS) is at the center of every community’s child protection efforts. MDCPS conducts initial assessments of reports of child abuse and/or neglect. The agency also provides other prevention services to children and families where maltreatment has occurred or is likely to occur. The adaptation of these services examines underlying conditions. These underlying conditions consist of drug and alcohol abuse, sexual molestation, poverty and cultural beliefs. MDCPS utilizes tools such as Comprehensive Family Assessments (CFA) and Family Service
As a social worker it is important to engage in policy practice. It is a part of the profession, whether you like it or not. It is an aspect that can change the way things are done for clients in a good way or bad. If you want to be more affective in practice, advocating for policies is one way of making sure your clients receive what they deserve. Chapin (2011) talks about how as a social worker you cannot take on every social policy issue, but it is important to consider the policies that affect your client population.
Making charts and Venn diagrams to show similarities and differences between two subjects are excellent ways for writers to organize their thoughts before they start writing their essay. To develop a compare and contrast chart, list the points you want to consider on the left side of the page and write the subjects or topics across the top of the page. Then write a brief note on how each point fits with each topic to find where they are similar and where they differ. To make a Venn diagram, draw two overlapping circles -- one for each of the two subjects. In the middle, where the circles overlap, list the traits the subjects share. The differences, or traits that the subjects do not share, should be listed in the outer areas of the circles.
In today’s global environment, technology is very important to all of us. Living, working are all in need of technology. We use technology to communicate, improve general knowledge and much more. As many things have been developed, from year to year, century to century, the world has became unique. But the most popular gadget is cellphone or mobile phone, which make us easy to communicate with each other globally. In spite of its advantages, there’re also some disadvantages of mobile phone too.