
Polish Invasion Effects

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The effects of the second world war in Poland was almost an extinction of an entire race. (Luongo 32-35) Less than ⅓ of the Polish Jew population was wiped out from September 1, 1939 to January 17, 1945. In the beginning of the war, on the day of the Polish invasion, the population was around 35,100,000 citizens in total. This number would be cut in half and then some at the end of the war. The drop in population was due to the fact that the Nazi’s captured and tortured the Polish Jews all around the country and in particular, Warsaw. Warsaw along with other cities in Poland isolated the Jews in their communities and were starved and diseased. (“warsaw” 1) In Warsaw before the resistance, the Jews were captured and sent to their death, in either concentration camps like Treblinka or in isolated 10 foot wall confinements known as the “Jewish Ghettos” there was no way out of the Nazi grasp for these defenceless Jews. (Bond 370)

When the Nazi’s siezed the city of Warsaw on September 29, 1939 they had a “Judenrat”, a council meeting for the representatives of the …show more content…

The threat being non aryan, indesirables of society in Europe, (the Jews) specifically in Warsaw, Poland. The Nazi’s had made orders for a 10 foot wall with barbed wire on the top with the area of 1.3 square miles for the Jewish inhabitants in Warsaw. (“Warsaw” 1) This tactic was to ensure that the Jews were kept separated from the outside world, getting in and out of the wall was close to impossible without german stamp of approval on documents. (“Warsaw”1) With the minimal contact with the outside world from the ghetto, food and medicine were hard to come by. (“Warsaw” 1) Many of the Jews starved and were infected with disease. The Jews that did survive, survived with outsiders in Warsaw smuggling in food and medicine for them. Around 83,000 Jews died from starvation and disease in the ghetto. (“Warsaw”

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