The Industrial Revolution that happened in England, 1760, was the transition from a rural, agrarian society into urban, industrial societies due to the improvements in science, technology, society and culture which affected the political, economic and social status of the country. Although the change was termed “The Industrial Revolution” due to the significant changes that occurred, debate rages on about how it was also an “Industrial Evolution” because the changes that led to the transition to the urban society we know and now live in today can also be classified as evolutions in their own rights.
One major political change of the industrial revolution were the laws that were created during the time to abolish child labour. Back in the early stages of the industrial revolution, children were used as labourers, because of their size and nimble fingers which allowed them to manoeuvre around and work in small spaces in factories and mines where adults couldn’t reach. They were paid less than adults, worked for long hours (12 -14 hours per day) with terrible conditions and little rest and abused by their owners. Soon enough, people
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The factory system is a system that uses water and steam power to run machines to produce goods, this system replaced the domestic system, which was less efficient as it required the use of hand tools and was a very time consuming process. It was later perfected with the introduction of standardised parts invented by Eli Whitney in the late 1700’s, the assembly line developed by Henry Ford in the 1900’s which brought the division of labour to the workers, as each worker only had to work on one part of the good as it moved down the assembly line. The Factory system is an example of an evolution as it evolved from hand tools and manual labour to an automatic process which could produce mass produce goods
In the documentary “The Children Who Built Victorian Britain” by BBC, talks about the children of the industrial revolution, it shows the jobs they had, where these children came from, their motivation and the progression of laws against child labor. Before the industrial revolution people used to manufactures their goods in their homes using simple machines, but in the late 1700’s this shifted drastically in Britain. They started to implement new ideas of modernization using industries to manufacture goods at a larger scale. The steam engine, iron and textile industries were one of the many industries that played a key role to improve economy, transportation and living conditions in the late 1700’s. Without the industrial revolution we wouldn’t have the technology that we have nowadays, but the industrial revolution also brought a dark chapter for history, the exploitation of children.
The biggest problem about the industrial Revolution was the matter of Child labor. Child labor was used and favored by many businesses because children could be paid less than women that could be paid less than men. According to the conversation on document 7,C: What time did you begin work at the factory? B: When I was six years old. (Document7) This part of the conversation on document 7 directly mentions child labor. Child labor began in the late 1700s and early 1800s. Children would work in mostly textile factories. Textile factories made cotton clothes to be sewn into clothing.
Speech (Script) Introduction: The Industrial Revolution created short and long-term impacts that affected the industry in England. The industrial revolution, which lasted from 1760 – 1840, was a time period that changed societies that had been based on farming into a society based on a business industry and that relied on machines to create products. The changes in industry had a significant impact on environment and everyday life from 1750 – 1840. While some aspects of the industrial revolution helped create better lives for those who lived during that period, there are short- and long-term impacts that affected the industry, ultimately shaping how we live and breathe today.
The Industrial Revolution had positive outcomes of more jobs, but these new jobs brought some positives but many more negatives for the people. Child labor today is not as bad as the issue was centuries ago, but it still affects millions of children all over the world. The use of children in the work force was like putting a newborn rat in a maze and trying to make it find its own way
Child labor was another important and serious issue during the Industrial Revolution. Children usually worked, along with their parents because they needed as much money as they could get to support their families. Children would start working around the age of three and were usually in coal mines because they had smaller hands which were used to reach the coal. (Saez). Also, children would work in mills because their fingers were just the right size to fix the looms. (Wroble pg. 8). Factory owners could employ children because at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution there were no laws to
Child labor was also a concern due to young children as young as give years old were working in factories for little pay and long working hours to assist in taking care of their families. They worked in what was known to me factory mills, coal mines, and sweat shops. Industrialization didn’t create labor, however, it aided in creating child labor reform policies.
The Industrial Revolution serves as a key to the beginnings of cutting edge Western society. The same number of history specialists has viewed, "the Industrial Revolution was no inconsequential progression of changes in cutting edge frameworks and era, and however a social change with social reasons furthermore critical social effects. The Industrial Revolution can be said to have made the European working-class. It made the European middle-class as well. In the wake of the Revolution, new social associations appeared. There is no denying the way that the Industrial Revolution began in England eventually after the focal point of the 18th century. England was the "First Industrial Nation." As one money related understudy of history commented in the 1960s, it was England which at first
The use of children sped up production and made the pool of employees much larger. The benefit of child labor for the workers being able to have more people in the factory. The disadvantage was the fact that children are young and should be spending their time learning and playing opposed to operating machines for 16 hours and never attending school (Document 1). Some communities made child labor an option and enforced education at the same time. These communities were known as working societies. They focused on making nice conditions for children that worked. They took good care of kids and paid them in exchange for work. Safety was a big concern so death rates were very low (Document 5). However, not all companies treated their kids well. Some factories abused child labor, allowing kids as young as three years old to help out (Document 9). Politicians are managers claimed that the kids were just fine and even benefited from working. “I have visited many factories, and I never saw a single instance of corporal chastisement inflicted on a child. They seemed to be always cheerful and alert” (Document 4). Child labor was a debatable topic during the Industrial Revolution because many people depended on it but many other people wanted it to stop because it was
One reason why the Industrial Revolution had a negative impact on the world is because it started child labor. Child labor is when businesses and industries take kids from any age and make them work in dangerous and inhumane places. In the document from a British industrial worker, the Sadler Committee in 1832 investigated the workers’ conditions in British factories. It says, “ ‘... When did you first begin to work in the mills? When I was ten years of age … we began at five in the morning and stopped at nine at night … at times we were frequently strapped [whipped].’ ”. This statement from the document shows a negative impact in the Industrial Revolution because kids at young age are sent to work for long hours and are frequently whipped.
Throughout history, children have always worked, either as apprentices or servants. However, child labor reached a whole new scale during the time period of the Industrial Revolution. Throughout the time frame of late 1800s-early 1900s, children worked long hours in dangerous factory conditions for very little wages. They were considered useful as laborers because their small stature allowed them to be cramped into smaller spaces, and they could be paid less for their services. Many worked to help support their families, and by doing so, they forwent their education. Numerous nineteenth century reformers and labor groups sought to restrict child labor and to improve working conditions.
From around 1750 to 1900 Britain went through major changes or transformation in industry, agriculture and transportation that affected everybody’s lives. For some it generally improved their lives, however not all were so lucky. The industrial revolution brought with it many changes good for some and bad for others.
The Industrial Revolution of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries was arguably the most important turning point in history. It transformed the manufacture of goods from craftsmanship to commercialism, exponentially increasing output and decreasing production cost leading to prosperity and an unprecedented supply of goods for the markets of the world. Industrialization and mass production was the fuel which ignited the flame of capitalism which was already established creating bringing sweeping changes in wealth and its distribution. Within a few generations the very fabric of society was virtually remade as millions left the farms and villages of the countryside for jobs in the cities. This monumental change did not immediately sweep
The Industrial Revolution was the main contributor of the development of factories and modern day machinery. The Industrial Revolution created hundreds of new jobs, influenced many new inventions, and created many new ways of creating and transporting goods. Many jobs including spinners, miners, factory workers, and farmers were beginning to rise in population, due to the new technology being created in the 18th and 19th centuries. The start of new inventions coming into view was beginning in Britain, with many agricultural tools creating new ways to plow and yield crops. Later on, it caused new forms of transportation to be developed, for example, railroads and canals. This essay will explain exactly how these causes began, and how they
In the late eighteenth century and early nineteenth century of England, the Industrial Revolution occurred. It is marked as an important movement in history because it introduced steam-driven machinery, large factories, and a new working class. With new manufacturing, job opportunities opened up. As the demand for employees rose, that is when the working class also began to rise. However, it not only included adults but children as well. The main reason for children to work is because it benefits the employers and their families economically. Employers made profit by having children work for low wages, and the money the children made would go towards the family income and necessities to survive. The low adult wages would not suffice for a neutral family or extended, so children had no choice but to work and help support their family. Although in need of money, there were too many dangers involved when the children were working. As a result of this, the state legislation had Acts passed for the children’s safety. The Industrial Revolution had many upsides in modernizing England, but it also uncovered that children should not be seen as workers needing money, but as young human beings that need education and protection, and the only way to initiate this is with the involvement of the state.
The Industrial Revolution was a radical process of social and economic change. Energy was a major incentive to the agricultural society to the industrial. Until James Watt created the steam engine, which deployed rapidly starting in the 1780s, animal and human power were the primary sources of energy (Clare). During the last three decades of the century, electricity and gasoline-fuels engines further expanded productivity (Clare). A factory system with machine manufacturing and divisions of labor was developed. New materials, particularly iron and steel, became available. Cities grew rapidly, as masses of people left suburban areas and farm tending to seek for employment in factories. Political powers shifted away from aristocracy and toward capitalist manufacturers, merchants, and even the working class. The growth of scientific knowledge was applied to manufacturing processes and materials. People’s sense of dominion over nature and faith in the ability to exploit the earth’s resources for material needs created confidence.