
Political Claims of Advancement of Women

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Addressing a group of teachers in Sultanpur on Tuesday night, Bharatiya Janata Party candidate Varun Gandhi had said that Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi is doing good work through his self-help groups (SHG) for advancement of women in Amethi. While this exchange of words between bigwigs in Gandhi family is catching an attention of national media ahead of 16th general elections, the plight of SHG members in Chennai signifies the reality which is far away from these political claims of advancement of women through SHGs.
“With one of the groups in our federation, bank did not sanction the loan even after the rating was done four months ago. There was a political influence. It has become usual story now, “complains Bhuwaneshwari, animator of SHG called ‘money plant’ situated in North Chennai.
“Some members need the money on emergency basis considering the health and other family problems. They become helpless. It is their savings which they are finding difficult to get back when in need,’’ she adds.
While Bala Karthika, Branch manager of Bharatiya Mahila Bank ,Anna Salai in Chennai explains the process of bank verification. “At the time of opening the account we have a look at their resolution paper, we check saving habit of SHG. Before sanctioning the loan, the branch manager is supposed to visit their meeting, check the members, see how many of them are poor, we see if they are working in any govt jobs, private companies etc.We carry out rating based on this,” says

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