
Essay on Political Debate of Slavery

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During the Antebellum period, the issue of slavery affected many religious and political debates. This was seen in the Lincoln Douglass debates, legislation, and the evolution of political parties.
The political debates that fueled the slavery controversy were derived from legislation. The first legislation passed was the three-fifths compromise. Naturally, southern states wanted slaves to be counted as a whole person because the slave population in the south was larger. The northern states opposed this. The three-fifths compromise stated that three out of five slaves would be counted into population counts to determine the amount of representation in Congress. Other constitutional laws included the section that said the slave trade …show more content…

Jackson was the president during the war. In the election of 1844, Henry Clay (who was a Whig candidate) lost to President Harrison. Several Democratic presidents followed; such as, President John Tyler and James K. Polk. The solution to the population problems that the west was finding was solved by Henry Clay. The Compromise of 1850 admitted California as a free state. New Mexico and Utah had a doctrine established of popular sovereignty. Popular sovereignty allowed the states to choose whether or not to accept slaves or not. The boundary was settled in Texas. The slave trade in Washington D.C. was abolished. A stricter Fugitive Slave Law was placed. President Taylor died and Millard Fillmore (a Whig) came to power. Clearer political parties were drawn. A clear Northern Whig, Southern Whig, Northern Democrat, and Southern democratic line would be seen. Clay died in 1852. This hurt the Whig party in the election of 1852. By this election, the Whig party had separated into the Cotton Whigs and Conscience Whig. The Cotton Whigs leaned toward southern opinion and the Conscience Whigs leaned towards abolitionist opinion. Their main disagreement involved expansion and whether states should be a slave state or not. The Whig’s candidate was Scott and the democratic candidate was Pierce. The Democrats won. Stephen Douglas desired to pass the Kansas- Nebraska Act. This act

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