
Political, Industrial, & Military Powers of Industrial Revolution

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Political, Industrial, & Military Powers of Industrial Revolution By the 1750s the industrial revolution had begun and there were many advancements directed at cotton weaving as a result of limited technology. Because of this limited technology people were slow in inventing other types of machines. This of was a time of drastic change and transformation from the use of mere hand tools to using powerful machines. A problem with these revolutionary machines was the amount of pollution that was produced, such as CO2, and the faulty methods in which these pollution problems were dealt with. Industrial power, military power, and political power were changing …show more content…

They had already established a capital, they had a surplus of labor forces, and little government interference in the economy, a growing market, and fifty percent of the people could read and write. These factors gave England the lead in the Industrial Revolution. England spread their ideas and discoveries all over Europe. By the late 1750's the Industrial Revolution had begun. At first, inventions were strictly limited to cotton weaving. Inventions such as the spinning jenny and the water-powered frame, both of which provided sinning yarn faster, the spinning mule, the power loom and the cotton gin, all the manufacturer (internet source). These new inventions were all part of the textile mills, which were the first factories to be created. The textile mills manufactured cotton products faster than ever before. In addition, new forms of energy were also being used at this time. The Machine in America, by Carroll Pursell summarizes the transitions of energy use simply and effectively. She states: During the next half of the century (1) mineral coal replaced charcoal as the principal fuel, (2) blast furnaces became larger and more efficient, (3) tilt hammers and forges were replaced by rolling mills for the production of wrought iron, (4) steam replaced as the source of power for both furnaces and forges, and (5) the puddling furnace replaced the forge fire in the refining of pig iron. (Pursell

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