Why are you a Democrat? I am a Democrat because I believe in a political party that values acceptance, equality, and prosperity for all individuals regardless of your background. The wisdom and virtue that is held within the Democratic Party is why I am so drawn towards it. Even though I am young and only a recent addition to the Party, I want to contribute as much as I can to make the organization better than what it already is. What makes you the right person for this position? I believe I am the right person for this position because I will dedicate myself to this organization 100%. Throughout my entire life I have held the values of equality and acceptance of all individuals. Chairing as the Chapter Relations Director would benefit the
The Democratic party, the far-left of the two major political parties in the United States, is currently the oldest voter-based party in the entire world. Enduring through multiple major wars and even the American Civil War, the party has been one of the two dominant parties in America since its founding nearly two centuries ago. Because of its long, varied history, the political makeup of the party has changed to hold both progressive views and conservative views on almost any issue at some point during its life.
Our recruitment chair is helping others envision our chapter with new women that are smart, want to be active and engaged, and that are fun people. By realigning the women we want to represent our chapter, we have been able to get our members to be more optimistic towards next fall. We are also having more workshops and retreats that discuss what we, as a chapter need to improve and how we can get there. Those conversations have been so helpful in encouraging everyone and in showing them that the executive board does not make all of the decisions. We need their help because technically we serve their best interests.
Question 1: Briefly state the qualities you possess that qualify you for a chapter office. Answer: The qualities I possess that qualify me for a chapter office is leadership, experience, and teamwork. I am very dedicated and motivated towards the future of agriculture.
Political parties today started to form in the late 1600’s. In 1787, Hamilton and other leaders joined and called themselves the Federalist. The Federalist party is the party which is most qualified for the presidency because the Federalist want a central government, want to avoid foreign affairs, and also want a central banking system. First a strong central governments.
Government has been a paramount piece of the United States’s development after July 4, 1776. The role of government has been pivotal to the process of how America operates today. Government is an important part of America’s society because it protects individual rights of people. Government is a forever changing entity because it is a necessity to satisfy the people’s demands. As a political party, Democrats and Republicans have many views on different topics in America. Although the Democrats and Republicans may have different stances on modern issues in America, many of these politicians seem to have the same attitude toward changing policies on these issues/government. I believe that the democratic party is more appropriate party to represent the United States because of their philosophy. The traditional values of America needs to be altered and the democratic party represents the change that America needs. The democratic party best represents an ever-changing society by exemplifying the desires of the citizens as is apparent in their policies in regards to abortion, gun control, and same-sex marriage.
On the other hand, the Democratic Party generally supports workers’ rights and government programs to help people in need. The democrats are for same-sex marriage and fight for their equality. They feel that our economy should help everyone not just the wealthy, and that big business and corporations pay their fair share of taxes. In addition, they want to prevent business from taking advantage of the public. Democrats feel that there are better ways to make peace with terrorism such as through diplomacy and only using force when necessary. They also believe that we should not have to
There is a Historical list of reasons why I am a Democrat. The Democratic Party believes in a healthy administration, the elevation of the community and social responsibility. It is very same the party that took a stand for the jobs & economy, gay rights, civil rights, health care, Social Security, unions, and women's rights. The Democratic Party also home to the most iconic and influential presidents that would forever leave their mark on American history such as Barack Obama, John F. Kennedy, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Day by day the Democratic Party fights in House and in U.S. Senate to push forward important reforms that are often in the face of Republican rejection. Through the years the American people have turned to Democrats to
After reviewing sources about Republican, Democratic, and Independent views on issues that are most important to me, I found that my views are most consistent with the Democratic Party. The issues that most strongly influenced my conclusion are preserving our environment, gun control, and rights for the LGBT community. I feel strongly about combating climate change and building a clean energy economy. Additionally, I regard gun control to be an important matter because there have been too many tragedies caused by lenient gun laws. Finally, I believe in human rights for the LGBT community because they deserve the same rights as all Americans regardless of who they love and who they identify with. Through research of the sources provided
While growing up and attempting discern my political positions, I have gradually realized that I am, without a doubt, a democrat. While my political beliefs do not necessarily always fall along party lines, in general I agree with the Democratic platform. There are many diverse reasons for my beliefs, and perhaps the best way to justify them to is go one by one through the major issues that define a person's political identity, stating, explaining, and justifying my opinion on each as I go. I will cover topics ranging from government size and control, to debt and deficit, to immigration, healthcare, and gay marriage. Along the way, I will show without a doubt why I, as a general rule, support the democratic ticket.
In 1824, John Quincy Adams became the 6th president of the United States. The candidates of the 1824 election were John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay, Andrew Jackson, and William Crawford. All four of them were part of the same political party, Democratic-Republican. The two main candidates were Andrew Jackson and John Quincy Adams. John C. Calhoun was elected vice president with a majority of the votes.
Personally I feel as though most of my political views align with the Democratic Party platform more so than the Republican Party platform. However I think that both sides have points that I very
I would consider myself neither a Democrat nor a Republican. When I first began to vote, I voted Republican. My father was a republican and had instilled his thoughts and beliefs in his children. As I have grown older I feel that the Republican Party has gotten away from who they used to be and has become a party more for the rich and ultra-religious. My first time voting democrat was for the 2008 presidential election of former president Barack Obama. I listened and watched as he campaigned about the changes that he would bring if he was elected. With parents and in-laws that were growing older I wanted his health care reform to bring more affordability to their medical care. Obama did try to pass health care reform, but failed to pass something
I am confident that I am a good candidate for the service coordinator position because I possess all of the skills and qualities that Jevs is looking for in an employee. I have great interpersonal skills, which enables me to effectively communicate with others; I can quickly obtain and process information and I am good at problem solving. In addition, to these qualities I am passionate about the field of social services and advocating for
Growing up, my family had always been strictly Democratic with a conservative view here and there and it surely has influenced my political stance. Not only that but being a Democrat to me means being a humanitarian and genuinely having hope for the future of America and all its
I would be honored to take the position of being student council president. There are qualities a president of student council should possess that I believe I have.