
Political Socialization Essay

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Political socialization is the process with which people use to form their political views and opinions. Everyone forms their ideas over their lifetime and over that lifetime, people and politics change, therefore their stance on a political view or their political beliefs as a whole can change. A person’s political views start to develop as soon as they understand what politics are, which is different for everyone, and it continues to develop for as long as they live and keep up with politics. Everyone’s political opinions are influenced by the many agents of socialization. Agents of socialization are the things throughout life that influence out political beliefs. Where someone grows up, what kind of family they grow up with, what kind of role religion plays in their life and their level of education can affect their political ideas. The way someone feels towards or looks at politics can also be influenced by their family’s political views, their economic class, and the generation they grew up in. The political views of someone’s family member greatly influences their personal political views. If someone is raised by people with certain view points on politics it is very likely that they will have similar if not the same political views. Sometimes people just believe whatever their parents tell them about politics or people in politics and they do not care to do any research on their own about what and who to believe in the political field. Other times people

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