
Politics of Location

Decent Essays
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Politics of Location

We are always trying to figure out where we are in this world, or how we got where we are today. Obviously you have no choice of parents or where your born and these are two major contributing factors of who am I today. Being born white and a male society has immediately granted social advantages or white privileges. But, how privileged was I really? Being born in a highly populated city to first generations Americans without high school diplomas. I did have some advantages and I realized them growing up around my non-white friends. But compared to other white people I didn’t see my self privileged in many ways. When I was younger I went to an elementary school in a very urban area. Most of my classmates …show more content…

They would come by stop the game and start asking questions. The first time this hap penned I was terrified. I never had any involvement with the police before. But, it was never me they talked to. I was never approached by police here and neither were any of my other white friends. I brought this up to my non-white friends in class and it didn’t surprise them, they just laughed about it. It seemed like they were so use to it, it never phased them. This was the first time I truly identified myself as being different just because of my skin color. I always thought that me and my friends were equal I never really though I was better than them, I was so confused why society did. When I got to high school I was one of 1300 freshmen. My school was massive and I met a lot of different people. I was always a good student so I was placed in harder classes where I saw fewer and fewer non-white kids. Naturally I made friends in these classes and visiting their homes was a completely different experience. These friends lived in the suburbs or on farms in Acushnet. They lived in massive homes with underground pools and large yards. It was such a change from how I grew up. They often had only one parent who would work and when I visited their mom was usually home and had made us food. This was never the case in middle school. I was always offered a ride home and never had to walk. This was white privilege I thought, the American dream. It seemed

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