
Poll Tax In Henry Thoreau's Resistance To Civil Government

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Poll Tax

Poll tax, meaning a fee that has to be paid to satisfy taxpayer requirements in voting laws, and that the only people who demonstrate financial tie to community were permitted for this kind of voting, was the reason Henry Thoreau was arrested and sent to jail for the night. While in jail, he realized that what had just happened to him was not right and needed to do something about it. The next day a friend of his which happened to be his aunt paid his texas meaning he was free to go. Believe it or not, Thoreau refused to be let out and wanted justice for what was illegally happening. Which is why he wrote “Resistance to Civil Government” so everyone would read and know what was actually going on. I believe that he presents an effective argument and fights for what he knows is right, which involved poll tax, civil disobedience, and unjust laws.

One of Thoreau’s strong argument points had to do with the whole situation of the poll tax. He didn’t see the need in people paying tax for something that they don’t agree on nor want. He stopped paying poll tax about six years ago because he believed that it supported the Mexican-American war and the expansion of slavery into the Southwest which he did not agree on. The next couple of days he was out running errands and got arrested for that reason. Sam Staples, which was the cop who arrested Thoreau, failed to take action against him for several years up until that day. In my opinion I feel like if Staples didn’t

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