
Pollution Is Destroying Our Earth

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We have come to see as the years progress so does the atmosphere we live in. We have many things that we are able to take into account when looking at the major changes our Earth has seen in the past years. Many things are taken into account when looking at these changes pollution, global warming, greenhouse gases, and the effect humans have on Earth. We can often times imagine the changes we see on Earth as a cycle that is forever frequently changing. What can we do to make a change in what our future Earth looks like? Pollution can be linked to many underlying issues in our world. How else can I describe pollution, then as a poison to our Earth 's atmosphere? Pollution is rapidly destroying our Earth. Pollution happens to be one of the biggest global killers, according to The Global Alliance on Health and Pollution found that pollution has caused three times as many deaths as serious health illnesses such as malaria, HIV/AIDS, and tuberculosis altogether (Varadharajan). states, the annual death rate due to pollution is said to be at 8.4 million people a year. That makes pollution one of the biggest factors for health disease and death in our world (Varadharajan). There is not just one form of pollution in our world that affects us, there are various types of pollution taken into effect. Sources of pollution are classified as point source and non-point source pollution. Point source pollution as defined by National Ocean Service Education is any visible

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