
Polymyositis Father

Decent Essays

“When you walk through the hospital, you waiver between feeling bad for everyone else and feeling bad for yourself. It’s a war of worlds – the healthy and the sick. – Jenna Morasca Are you ever out and about or maybe just home alone and think “this is the worst day ever?” Well this has happened to me on many occasions. In December of 2013 my mother fell ill. It was very hard on me and my family as it would be for most, being that we loved her very much. She was constantly in and out of hospitals, getting test done, and always being diagnosed with something new then being told she didn’t have it. It got the point where the only thing she could move was her feet and head ever so slightly. Eventually, she was diagnosed with Polymyositis. Polymyositis …show more content…

This definition can be so clear yet so vague. On one hand, it tells you exactly what a father is. On another, a father is supposed to be so much more than “a man in relation to his natural child or children.” A father should love and care for his children not only when they’re going through hard times, but always. Regardless of what you say, actions speak louder than words. If I were to ask my father a few months ago if he loved me he’d say yes. And to that I’d say “your actions are telling me otherwise.” A few months after my mom died there were some problems going on at my sister’s school. Come to find out, our “father”, who hadn’t tried to contact us since before our mom died had gone and changed all of her school information and was going to pick her up without informing anyone. So when we got to the school, we were in shock. Being that he is the “father” the school let her over to him. My older sister and I ended up going as well, so she wouldn’t be alone. The day we got there it was terrible. I had gotten my tooth taken out earlier that day and I was in excruciating pain and needed to get my prescription which couldn’t be done until the next day, also my little sister needed food for lunch but all he had was $12 which he was going to use for gas. Throughout the next month or two he kept proving that he couldn’t take care of us. We eventually went back with my grandmother and shortly after he’d gotten

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