As a colleague, I have known Ponle Ojemakinde for three years. During her time spent as a student, Ponle has demonstrated to be a reliable, efficient, responsible and bright individual. Not only meeting deadlines and fulfilling commitments, Ponle has also continuously delivered work beyond excellence. Furthermore, aside from her diligence within the academic setting, Ponle’s personality also align with her work ethics. She is an honest, courteous, respectful and compassionate individual. I am enthusiastic in providing a positive character reference for Ponle. I believe that Ponle will be excellent for this position at Canada Post. With her commitment to providing excellent customer service, efficiency in working alone or with a team, and
Jana is always quick to provide technical assistance regarding her area expertise. She always remains courteous to stakeholders. A specific example of this: Jana was troubleshooting a rejected claims issue and the point-of-sales (POS) provider continued to ask the same questions without providing additional information or data. She remained cordial and work to provide a solution.
I am writing this letter of recommendation to express my support for Keyshia Martin in her application for the Jackie Lajeunesse Scholarship Award. Thank you to the Ontario Ringette Association for organizing this rewarding opportunity for a great supporter of ringette.
It is a true pleasure for me to write this letter of recommendation for Magaly Resendez, whom I have had the opportunity of teaching for the past two years. She was in my World History class as a sophomore and is currently in my U.S. History class as a junior.
It is with great honor that I write this letter of recommendation for Treniya Bronaugh. I have watched Treniya grow from a toddler to a high school student. Not only has this observation been one of her physical growth, but one of character development. She is like family, as both our families shared the same last name and we grew up calling each other cousins.
My name is Jurgis Rudkus. I am a Lithuanian immigrant who came to America with my wife, Ona. I’m writing this letter to inform you of what is going on in the meat packaging factories. I came to America to live out the American dream, but what I got was the reality of wage slavery. The working conditions are disgustingly horrible. Everyway we go to work in a worn out broken-down factory where meat is rotten and diseased. Meat packers were put into assembly line. More accurately a "disassembly line," requiring nearly 80 separate jobs from the killing of an animal to processing its meat for sale. "Killing gangs" held jobs like "knockers," "rippers," "leg breakers," and "gutters." The animal carcasses moved continuously
Alisha’s strengths are revealed when she is working with a difficult taxpayer. She shows empathy, understanding, uses a soft voice and listens intently. She uses these skills to assure the taxpayer that she is willing to be their advocate. Additionally it shows she is comfortable in her abilities to process the information heard and apply it to whatever she is to accomplish. Alisha’s ability to listen has many times helped with the RETR program and finding additional important information needed. Her desire to know more of the processes of the programs we offer, qualifications, and how they work will help her to achieve even more in her position. Alisha is dependable and always an employee I can call to assist in any area including the branches.
I have been given the pleasure to write a letter of recommendation for Eagle Scout candidate Ethan Lewis. I have know Ethan all of his life. Both in and out of scouts he lives by the Scout Oath and Law. He has served on the Resica Falls Scout Reservation camp staff for the past 4 year. While on staff he has taught countless scouts the skills that are needed as well as the wilderness survival and search and rescue merit badges. Ethan's service dose not just stop there. He has also spent the past 3 years as high school's head tech crew leader. As part of the teach crew he is responsible for planning and setting up the lights for each show. Along with that he is responsible for teaching the other members of the teach crew how to successfully do
It with great pleasure that I recommend Robert for admission into National Honor Society. As his Boy Scout Community Service Advisor for over 7 years, it has always been clear to me that he has a strong desire to serve his community. Robert has been a very active volunteer in his community since he was in fifth grade and the lessons and skills that he has learned from these experiences are reflected in his character, which is very rare among youth his age. He knows that, even though he is still a minor, he can make a large impact in his community by sacrificing a few hours of his time to helping others.
Thank you for taking the time to review my application for the Stanley Linton Scholarship. I am a senior at UW Oshkosh and have been involved in many areas of music on campus, including starting the a cappella group in 2012. Over the past 3 and a half years at UW Oshkosh I have been a choral & general music education major and have developed skills and philosophies that have shaped my goals and aspirations in life.
BM1 Vuylsteke is a prime example of what one should strive to become in and out of work. Selected as a nomination as Fir’s EPOY for 2017 furthermore reflects his willingness to set the bar for his subordinates and peers alike. Secondly, every chance that the working schedule would allow you mentored and taught junior high kids high jump making a positive impact on their lives. Your profound impact was so instrumental that the school asked if you could mentor a young man who seeks your guidance in their
First and foremost, I would like to thank the Faculty Council for the opportunity to be a delegate of the NJHS faculty council. For sure, I understand that to get into this council will not only take astounding grades, but also take great leadership and courage. If I become a member of the National Honor Society, I shall effectively utilize the chance given to challenge my limits of courage, leadership, and determination. I will endeavor to do my best in any occasions when the faculty council gives me the chance to prove this.
I know many students, as well as my self, who aspire to be as hard working as Pavanaj. For many students its a struggle to balance school with work, and still have enough time for sleep, let alone a personal life. Yet, Pavanaj makes it look effortless. He always has his work done and he is always there to help someone in need. Throughout all the chaos of school, from deadlines, to basic organization, to final exams; Pavanaj will have it under control. Not only does it appear that he is always in the eye of the Hurricane, but that he is the one who is calming the storm. It is always a sigh of relief to know that Pavanaj is there to help you solve a problem or work through an issue.
Priscila Angeles is someone that while working alongside,she has demonstrated consistency in her job. In the environment that she has worked in before as a waitress it is as job that took teamwork and she has shown great skills with it. She always helped others without any hesitation. She is great at following directions as I've never found
This is why I believe Lupe is a good mentor. Lupe is a good mentor because she is an eager worker, bright student, and polite to
I am writing this letter of recommendation for the Graduate Student Teaching Assistant Award to recognize my CHM 256 T.A. Haitham Kalil. I've only known him for about 4 weeks, and he has already shown the utmost respect and concern for his students since the first day of class. He is very aware of his responsibilities as an instructor and is understanding towards certain situations as well as give his full attention to his students to help succeed in the class. As a second year student my experience with college professors and instructors are limited but during my attendance at Cleveland State University I can distinguish the instructors that want the best for their students. As the engaged learning experience in Cleveland state represents