
Ponyville Analysis

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It was early morning in ponyville, the birds were chirping, the sun was shining, and the weather crew had just finished collecting all the leftover clouds from yesterdays rainfall. Suddenly, an indistinguishable silhouette amongst a wall of dust could be seen coming up over the horizon, this caused a few random bystanders to look at it with mild interest, before returning to what they were doing. As the figure approached, it was revealed to be a somewhat ornate canterlot style carriage, being pulled along by four large stallions clad in the armor of the equestrian royal guard, Soon enough' the carriage makes a stop at a designated parking spot and one of the stallions said, okay “miss Bloodfire we've arrived in ponyville. Almost as soon …show more content…

Now blushing in embarrassment, the griffon said ''Oh, I am so sorry about that, I'm just so excited about my first mission. To this, one of the stallions respond, do not be discouraged miss, me and the rest of your escort, were just wondering what your next orders were. The young griffin then stands up on her hind legs, putting her front claw to her lower beak, she then begins looking around quizzically. Now speaking in a slightly sarcastic tone she says, “Hmm I don't know, we are in a potentially hostile 'foreign land after all, she then puts on the sweetest smile any beaked creature could possibly manage and says, tell ya what, we won't be leaving until tomorrow why don't you ''four, go hit a bar or something' maybe find a nice inn to stay at, she then reaches into the carriage, and pull out a decent-sized bag of bits, and in one quick motion she gives it to the nearest stallion, saying 'my treat. The whole escort was flabbergasted, acting as if they had never been treated this nice before, 'the one with the bag, then levitates it beside himself and nervously ask, are you sure ma'am this is ''a lot of

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