It was early morning in ponyville, the birds were chirping, the sun was shining, and the weather crew had just finished collecting all the leftover clouds from yesterdays rainfall. Suddenly, an indistinguishable silhouette amongst a wall of dust could be seen coming up over the horizon, this caused a few random bystanders to look at it with mild interest, before returning to what they were doing. As the figure approached, it was revealed to be a somewhat ornate canterlot style carriage, being pulled along by four large stallions clad in the armor of the equestrian royal guard, Soon enough' the carriage makes a stop at a designated parking spot and one of the stallions said, okay “miss Bloodfire we've arrived in ponyville. Almost as soon …show more content…
Now blushing in embarrassment, the griffon said ''Oh, I am so sorry about that, I'm just so excited about my first mission. To this, one of the stallions respond, do not be discouraged miss, me and the rest of your escort, were just wondering what your next orders were. The young griffin then stands up on her hind legs, putting her front claw to her lower beak, she then begins looking around quizzically. Now speaking in a slightly sarcastic tone she says, “Hmm I don't know, we are in a potentially hostile 'foreign land after all, she then puts on the sweetest smile any beaked creature could possibly manage and says, tell ya what, we won't be leaving until tomorrow why don't you ''four, go hit a bar or something' maybe find a nice inn to stay at, she then reaches into the carriage, and pull out a decent-sized bag of bits, and in one quick motion she gives it to the nearest stallion, saying 'my treat. The whole escort was flabbergasted, acting as if they had never been treated this nice before, 'the one with the bag, then levitates it beside himself and nervously ask, are you sure ma'am this is ''a lot of
Ponyboy should be in the system. Don’t you think? This is proof that Ponyboy should be taken away from Darry and put in the system. He would be better off in the system. Darry has shown he’s not a responsible guardian because Ponyboy is not taken care of. In the book Ponyboy gets into trouble as he’s living with Darry that can get him killed. Something he does is he sneaks into a movie theater. Some people would say he’s better of with DArry, but he would be better off in the system. Ponyboy should be put in the system because he won’t go to jail or get diabetes.
and Ponyboy come to know that there are children stuck in the burning Windrixville church, and
The “ Outsiders “ movie and the book is the best thing I have ever watched and read . Both the book and movie have many similarities . After reading and watching both they have extensive differences . The movie and the book share similarities. For example Johnny Cade dies in the book and the movie .
“Stay gold Ponyboy,”S.E Hinton 1967 classic novel The Outsider. The book was transformed into a movie 16 years later in 1983. The movie introduced several young movie stars including Tom Cruise and director Francis Ford Coppola. The movie and book, both deal with the hardships of High School in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The movie may be based off of the novel but there are several differences that change the experience for viewers.
Prior to Dally’s instructions, they caught a train to a ghostly town called Windrixville to hide in an abandoned creaky church. Lonely and worried, the boys patiently waited for Dally to save them when the coast is clear in their hometown on the east side of Oklahoma. A few days later, Pony and Johnny went to dairy queen in Dally’s red stolen corvair later to find their hideout in blazing morone flames. Rashly, Pony and Johnny run into the fiery chapel to rescue a cluster of tots from burning to oblivion. In the process, Dally runs to help but is soon smashed by the burning roof of the church. While the kids were not hurt, Dally and Johnny get badly injured with Dally's arm broken and Johnny covered in 3rd degree burn and a busted back. Pony is reunited to his older brothers soda and Darry as well as the rest of the gang. Pony and two-bit visit dallas and johnny soon to find out that there is gonna be a rumble and they won't have Dally to help them bruise the socs. Sadly Johnny passes out cold befor pony and two-bit even left. On their way home, they met up with cherry and chatted for awhile then went home and got ready for the rumble that night with the
It happened at around 5pm when Renato Nicolaï, a 55-year-old farmer, heard a strange whistling sound while working on his farm. He then saw a saucer-shaped object about eight feet in diameter land about 50 yards away and then took off almost immediately, rising above the treeline and departing to the north east leaving burn marks on the ground where it had supposedly sat.
she ate one of the horses sugar cubes the women got mad and gave her back to the auction place.
People in other areas saw this flow of
Barnardo: Well I'm taking your place, have a goodnight. If you see the other guards Horatio and Marcellus tell them to hurry up and get here.
In the first paragraph of the short story, “Stanville” by Rachel Kushner presents a G.E.D. professors point of view of what it is like to teach in a prison. There are many characters in the story, one, in particular, the main character Hauser takes interest in. This character being Romy Hall. The dialogue shifts between characters causing the development of the main character. However, a character analysis of Romy Hall reveals no clear indication as to who she really is, and as to why she ended up in prison.
I thought saw something move in the corner of my eye, a silhouette maybe. Oh.
Johnny and Pony watched the sunrise by the abandoned church together and it was a truly special moment in their friendship. Sunrises and sunsets represent the beauty and goodness in the world. Pony explains “There was a silent moment when everything held its breath, and then the sun rose. It was beautiful.” Johnny had also watched the sunset and said to Pony “Golly, that sure was pretty.”
The indication of morning had approached; wind halted while the air became temperate. Morning routine of the birds, fetching food for their children, communicating with the others, hatching their eggs. Newly seeded grass shooted out, growing like weeds. The air reminded Mary of a camping trip when she was younger in Yosemite Park. Pinecones and trees gave her the happy memories, ones of her husband and her only child before the accident.
Statement of intent: ‘Pleasantville’ Jennifer writing back to ‘home’ Jennifer telling her the changes in herself and what Pleasantville made her realise.
Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales is a compilation of twenty seven characters’ stories that convey differentiated perspectives of life, love, humor, and religion. The story begins with the characters, in the late fourteenth century, in a tavern in Southwark, near London, preparing for their pilgrimage or journey to Canterbury to the shrine of the martyr Saint Thomas Becket. The pilgrims decide to have a story telling competition, telling two stories on their way to Canterbury and two on the way back. As the pilgrim’s tales begin to unfold, various types of stories are presented. One of the main topics of the tales that are shared is love. There are distinct types of love that are expressed in the Canterbury Tales, but one of the represented accounts is in the Wife of Bath’s prologue and tale.