
Poo-Yu Chapter 14

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A stunning part of Chapter of 28 is another example of how Pao you disregards feudal norms. Pao-Yu’s life motto seems to be “live and let live”. Xue Pan has a party attended by a Courtesan who is essentially high end escort. Normally, these woman are looked down upon society but Pao-Yu seems to not care about such societal restraints. Instead he speaks and makes merry with the woman even to the point of singing with her.
Later in the Chapter, Yu’an Chun sends presents to the house. This a normally happy occasion turns sour when Tai-Yu realizes that Pao-Yu and Pao-Chai were given identical presents. Pao-Yu then tries to give some his gifts to Tai-Yu who becomes very upset. She clearly sees how everyone in the family including Lady Wang and …show more content…

Upon attending a Taoist mass, The Chia family receives gifts animals and candles from the general. Futhermore, even the abbot has dressed up in special garb due to their attendance. The abbot then tells Grandmother that he is on the lookout for a perfect girl for Pao-Yu. Upon hearing another instance of scheming in his life Pao-Yu becomes really aggravated. Normally, the men would have no problem with this control of their life because it was customary. However, Pao-Yu’s dislike of Feudal norms, and his love for Tai-Yu causes him great …show more content…

What stuck with me most about their discussion was Pao-Yu stating that if Tai-Yu ever died he would become a monk. I found this very funny and sweet, because it shows how much Pao-Yu cares for Tai-Yu. Then, Pao-Yu does something that unintentionally brings Tai-Yu understandable joy, and Pao-Chai understandable anger. Pao-Yu essentially calls Pao-Chai fat. In ancient china Frailty was seen as marker of beauty, so Pao-Chai’s natural plumpness already puts her outside normal connections of beauty. However, Pao-Chai is still considered beautiful by those around her. Moreover, she has many other redeeming qualities outside her personal appearance that causes others to consider her as a very charming woman. One of these qualities is her ability to conceal her emotions and be humble, which is completely different from Tai-yu who took obvious pleasure in the insult of Pao-Chai. PaoChai utilizes her quick with to counter Pao-Yu’s comments and thus gains the upper hand in the banter. Apart from her hurtful sarcastic comments, Tai-Yu rarely ends an argument with such finesse. Pao-Chai’s demeanor here reminds me a of a disney quote, “a lady never starts a fight but she sure can finish one”.
Now Pao-Yu’s typical infideltlty rears its head again. Upon heading into his Lady Wang’s room, he beings to flirt with Chin-chuan and is caught by Lady Wang. Instead of punishing Pao-Yu lady wang berets and fires the

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