Piglet: Pooh! Why are you late today?
Pooh: I was shopping?
Piglet: Huh? Shopping?!?
Pooh: Yes. Haven’t you heard about the Great Online Shopping Festival?
Piglet: Ooooh. No!
Pooh: 3 days of unadulterated crazy shopping. 80% discounts! It’s fun!
Piglet: Oh. What did you buy?
Pooh: Honey. Loads.
3 days. 450 retailers. More than 30 categories. Discounts up to 80%.
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to 3 days of forget-everything-just-shopping experience. The GOSF, launched as a single day online festival in 2012, came back in 2014, bigger and better. Number of participating retailers was up by almost 100%, and visitors increased by more than 120%. Taking a cue from last year, revenues will see an uptrend of at least 3.5 times.
What was new this
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However, this isn’t an original concept. Cyber Monday, originated in U.S. in 2005, is the Monday after the Thanksgiving holiday in U.S. In 2013, its sales touched $2.29 billion. In almost a decade, it has become an internationally famous concept and is observed by various countries across the globe like Brazil, UK, Portugal Germany, UAE, Japan etc.
Similar to Cyber Monday is the Black Friday concept. The Friday after Thanksgiving is observed as Black Friday and is regarded as the beginning of the Christmas shopping season in U.S. In 2014, $50.9 billion worth of sales was recorded during the holiday.
All seems hunky dory. Everybody is happy. The retailers are happy-they get more visits and sales. The neighbor hood aunty is happy-she got the cheapest bed sheets available without braving the cold winter winds or the huge traffic jams. The affiliated industries like logistics and courier delivery are happy-burgeoning-is the word that aptly describes them.
However, let’s take a closer look at what makes these online sales so attractive.
1. We have nothing much to do- A recent survey by Ericson found that an average Indian spends around 8 hours on the Internet and 3 hours on their smartphones. With the popular shopping apps giving us updates and pings about new discounts everyday-there is no stronger lure.
2. Hefty Discounts: Inflation is soaring. Your salary account is consistently near the minimum balance. Prices of
It forces them to understand the fundamentals of the economy and how much power the money holds. If there's one thing humans need to learn, it is the ability to live without spending constantly. Another thing is this holiday prepares them for a shortage of power or possibly food. It is no surprise that a lot of people can not go a day without buying. This is a major problem as it wastes a) consumer's time b)producer's time and c)resources.
Ah Christmas, it is said to be the most wonderful time of the year. In the United States Christmas is a time of giving and receiving, spending time with your family, and in most Christian families, celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas is hands-down the most highly commercialized holiday celebrated by Americans. In fact, according to CBS news, the average American will spend $700 on gifts this holiday season, totaling for a whopping $465 billion spent nation-wide. From mall Santas as far as the eye can see, to hearing Christmas music in every retail store you enter. Christmas is a time of high spirits and high spending in the U.S.
Christmas time. Christmas time brings wonder and hope to children. The main component to this wonder and hope is for a mythical being called Santa Claus. This Santa Claus comes in the night and brings “good little children” toys. In reality the parents do. With this combination and the thought we have to give this, this, and this person something different, sentimental, and special gifts the sales were definitely a game changer to people. We could get gifts way cheaper and early. Once stores relied “hey we can take advantage of this movement” the sales have taken over our lives made the even inhuman. In the article “Black Friday: Consumerism minus Civilization he mentions this exact theory. The holiday has become a lot earlier, the shopping
Thanksgiving traditions don't end on Thanksgiving Day. In the 1950s, the day after Thanksgiving was called Black Friday by factory managers because so many workers called in sick and the Philadelphia Police Department took to calling the day Black Friday to describe the traffic jams, crowds and shoplifters during the start of the holiday shopping season. Black Friday signals the start of the holiday shopping season, but it may be a tradition that's continuing to evolve as stores vie to be the earliest to open Thanksgiving Day.
As a shopper, having sales on Thanksgiving would give shoppers more chance to get a good deal. Having sales on Thanksgiving would give the shopper an extra day to get what they want for a price they like. Some people say that thanksgiving sales would rob people of their holiday, but I remind you that the decision to shop is optional. Having sales an extra day would only give the shoppers a advantage, not the people
During the holidays each day it is special.Like on Monday, there will be a carnival and on Tuesday no one goes to work.This doesn't stop until the holidays stop.The ideas can repeat and repeat over and over but they can make som new ideas for that pacific day so it can be different.
The biggest shopping day of the year is known as “Black Friday”. This is when loads of people all around the country gather around to shop store sales everywhere before Christmas time settles in. “Stores began to use the term in the 1970s because the day after Thanksgiving marked the start of the profitable holiday shopping season…” (Zillman). According to Amanda Nicholson this term may go back even earlier into the 1960s. Black Friday was how police officers described the day after Thanksgiving because residents from the city and near suburbs marched the stores of Philadelphia in search of gifts for the holidays (Zillman). The sale has since then tragically morphed from the early first development, changing ever-so drastically. Every year stores open earlier practically flipping the bird to Thanksgiving in a way that is detrimental to history. Black Friday should be held only on its original specified date of the Friday after Thanksgiving so that it does not interfere in any way with the holiday gatherings because it takes employees away from their families and friends diminishing the value of Thanksgiving as a whole.
Holidays have always been known to affect our consumer culture for many years, but how it all began eludes many people and very few studies have been completed on it. Even though some say that the subject is too broad to precisely identify how holidays, especially Christmas, directly affect our market, I have found that people’s values, expectations and rituals related to holidays can cause an excessive amount of spending among our society. Most people are unaware that over the centuries holidays have become such a profitable time of year for industries that they now starting to promote gift ideas on an average of a month and a half ahead of actual holiday dates to meet consumer demands.
How do you tell which elements of nonfiction and forms of rhetoric authors utilize in their articles? In the article, “How Online Shopping Makes Suckers of Us All”, Jerry Useem makes use of several literary devices to inform his audience of the shadowy world of computer algorithms that control the consumer’s online shopping experience. In this article, Useem uses cultural and economic factors to elicit a response from the reader, as this topic can make people think more about what happens when they shop online. The author also incorporates two styles of rhetoric into his article, pathos, and logos. He writes using pathos to engage the audience emotionally by speaking about the drastic price changes over the hours, days, months, and years, and to inform consumers about their lack of consent during studies (“Arguments Best Friends”). He is using logos in his article by telling facts and showing evidence, such
People may get caught up in the excitement of the day, and that can help them to spend even more money. While waiting in line, customers at the front of the line seem to be excited and happy. However, at the end of the line, customers appear to be more frustrated and anxious. Some consumers plan their Black Friday shopping trips weeks in advance. There are many websites available for people to view Black Friday advertisements online, before they are supposed to be released to the public. Walmart has tried year after year for the advertisements not to be leaked, but they usually end up on these websites before they are supposed to (4 Years Strong: Walmart Sends Another Cease & Desist, 2011). Stores may not want to have their advertisements released early for a couple of reasons. First, consumers having the ability to research products and having too much time to explore all of their options may mean that consumers will not make as many spontaneous purchases on Black Friday. They also do not want to have their competition see their deals, and then have them beat their prices. Having the advertisements earlier though means consumers are able to plan what stores they want to go to, which may lead to less chaos on the actual day. People are motivated by saving money on Black Friday. Some consumers may even see it as a competition. For some, because there is only a limited selection available for many of the items that are
Shopping At Work: Giving in to the temptation of shopping for the upcoming holiday season on a Cyber Monday while at work can bring along its own drawbacks. Your employer may raise objections on shopping during the work hours, so it is advisable to make sure your shopping doesn't land you in job-related
Black Friday is the following Thanksgiving Day in the United States, traditionally the beginning of the Christmas shopping season. Black Friday is not an official holiday, but many workers have the day off as part of the Thanksgiving holiday, this increases the number of potential shoppers. Retailers often decorate for the Christmas and holiday season weeks beforehand. Many retailers open extremely early, with most of the retailers typically opening at 5 A.M. or even earlier. Retailers use Black Friday to kick off the holiday season to use much of their products to go from the red to the black.
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to 3 days of forget-everything-just-shopping experience. The GOSF, launched as a single day online festival in 2012, came back in 2014, bigger and better. Number of participating retailers was up by almost 100%, and visitors increased by more than 120%. Taking a cue from last year, revenues will see an uptrend of at least 3.5 times.
We already know that the "Black Friday" is an American tradition that consists of a drop in prices in major stores, during the last Friday of November, coinciding with the opening of Christmas shopping. But what is the origin of this celebration?
The joy of online shopping doubles up when you find good quality stuff at affordable prices! I really enjoy shopping online instead of going to physical stores. It saves me a lot of time, energy and money! I had a chance to shop from SammyDress this year during summers. SammyDress is a popular online shopping destination where you can find tons of stuff like clothing, jewelry, bags, shoes, home decors and much more at pocket friendly prices. They ship all over the world without any crazy shipping charges. After all of these months, I am finally going to share my SammyDress haul with you guys over here and tell you about my shopping experience with them. Keep on reading if you are interested! :)