I have waited a long time to finally say how poor care is in my area. Many doctors seem to think the consumer is there to serve them rather than vice versa. Some expect you to stay on medications that make you feel seriously ill all the time. When you can't see in sunlight and your hair starts falling out because of (non-cancer) medicine, I would consider that a serious problem. I quit as many of them as I could and I feel much better. At one point, doctors had me on so many medications that my judgment was severly off and I thought these medications were supposed to help me. I believe they almost killed me. Doctors have the advantage in the legal system.
Many doctors here are in a rural area because of educational incentives
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That does not make much sense to me. He does not even know which patient is on which medication; you have to correct him. What if I had to be hospitalized again? I guess that's just more money for them and their hospital friends. Some doctors here practice "cookbook" medicine and never use their intuition or common sense. Some do not like to be questioned and are vindictive, give inaccurate diagnoses or cause or create problems in your life. They knew about liability before going into the profession, so what is the problem? Scarcety of professionals, prestige, substandard training, who knows?
I am tired of doctors trying to invent more sicknesses in patients by emotionally scaring them to be treated, sounds like the television commercials that advertise pharmaceuticals. Medical care prices are exorbitant for this part of the country and the doctors, nurses, and hospitals take full advantage of insurance with unnessary office visits, treatments, tests, and procedures.
The choices for mental health treatment here are seriously lacking, the doctors unknowledgeable and the choices for physical health are not that much better. Gone are the days when we trusted the doctor. Now you need to be wary of them, like "ambulance
We do not introduce or supply carers to those seeking care, nor do we select or propose specific carers to those seeking care seekers or care seekers to carers. Sitterslinks.co.uk does not verify the identity of, or information posted by, care seekers or carers. Please see our Safety Centre for guidance on how to verify the identity of, and information posted by, other
The movie fire escape emphasizes that America has the most expensive health care system in the world but is not one of the best in regards to healthcare outcomes and life expectancy. It spends more than what the whole world all together spends on pharmaceutical industry. 75% of the 2.7 trillion dollars were spent on treating preventable diseases which indicate that US health care is more focused towards disease management than prevention. The movie makes a point that there are frequent readmissions and 80% of health care budget goes towards these 20% patients who are frequently readmitted to the hospital due to an existing chronic condition. Health care professionals are paid on the basis of number of procedures carried out on the patient rather than their health outcome. So the focus is not on curing the disease by eliminating the risk factors but merely managing the disease and looking for quick fixes. That is how patients want it too. They want to be cured right away with a pill or surgery but are not really interested in learning the long term solutions and preventative measures.
Statutory Framework for the early Years Foundation Stage (2008), covering all aspects of children’s welfare (safeguarding, suitable people, suitable premises and equipment, organisation, documentation) and the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (which gives the overall responsibility for health and safety to the employer and duties to
Case Management Society of America. (2010). Standards of Practice for Case Management. Retrieved from http://www.cmsa.org/portals/0/pdf/memberonly/StandardsOfPractice.pdf
Describing how health and safety legislation, policies and procedures promotes the safety of individuals in and health and social care settings.
"In the past two decades or so, health care has been commercialized as never before, and professionalism in medicine seems to be giving way to entrepreneurialism," commented Arnold S. Relman, professor of medicine and social medicine at Harvard Medical School (Wekesser 66). This statement may have a great deal of bearing on reality. The tangled knot of insurers, physicians, drug companies, and hospitals that we call our health system are not as unselfish and focused on the patients' needs as people would like to think. Pharmaceutical companies are particularly ruthless, many of them spending millions of dollars per year to convince doctors to prescribe their drugs and to convince consumers that their specific brand of drug is needed in
They are many factors that can influence support of a person in achieving the outcomes and support they need. The following could have influence on what people are able to do by themselves, their dreams and hopes:
In recent times, the responsibility of providing health care services has fallen on the shoulders of the primary health care providers. In turn, this reflects on the treatment preferences of many citizens and the subsequent availability and further the affordability of health care services. Quite some patients now receive health care for mental disorders from their primary health care providers. Therefore, this shows that the mental health afflicted patients are getting the proper treatment and prescription of their disorders from their doctors.
After years of schooling and hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt, doctors aren’t even able to work on their own terms. “Consumers allegedly have a “right” to what health care providers provide, a “right” to say what will be provided, when, and at what price” (Salsman 2012). Consumers shouldn’t have a “right” to what is provided to them or how much it costs. The government controls pricing and controls who can receive care and what kind. It’s not right that those who are actually working in the medical profession that they have lost control of their businesses.
Access to mental health care is not as good as than other forms of medical services. Some Americans have reduced access to mental health care amenities because they are living in a countryside setting. Others cannot get to treatment for the reason of shortage of transportation or vast work and household tasks. In some areas, when a
A physician could make mistakes in prescribing, the pharmacy could send the wrong medication, but who actually gave it to the patient is accountable for the consequences. For this reason, it’s our responsibility to implement change in our practice based on the evidence in order to ensure safe patient care.
drugs can be potentially dangerous for a patient, particularly if they are receiving medications from different clinicians who are not communicating with each
Critics believe that the present functioning of managed-care is degenerative to health care. Managed-care firms control costs by requiring patients to use a “network” of approved doctors and hospitals, and by reviewing the actions of doctors. Patients have to pay more to visit a doctor who does not participate in the “network.” Managed-care firms second-guess doctors, considering only the costs. Patients are often prevented from visiting specialists to reduce costs. A managed-care company might insist that its doctors prescribe inexpensive generic drugs instead of commercial products. Many patients must, also, receive the insurer’s approval before undergoing treatments or operations. HMOs have been criticized for refusing to pay when a patient goes
Across the country, a steady increase has been noted in the number of patients presenting to emergency departments for psychiatric complaints (Zun, 2014). Patients also attempt to use their primary care doctors to treat their mental illnesses. The mental health care options for these patients are extremely limited, especially for minority populations such as African Americans and Hispanics. One out of four adults in America suffers from some form of mental illness, yet only one out of three of those affected receives treatment (Safran, 2009). Furthermore, patients are routinely misdiagnosed, receive poor quality of care, receive care from providers who have no understanding of their cultures and values, or are not even able to receive care in the first place (Sanchez, 2012).
Government is trying to cut our healthcare options, such as selecting your doctor, prescriptions, and treatments, by gaining control over healthcare. Under their minimal healthcare system (if this is passed), instead of choosing your doctor, government chooses one for you and you do not have the option of choosing an experienced one and could end up with a rookie fresh out of medical school. Instead of getting different options in prescriptions, because one in just not working for you or you are having to many side effects while taking it, you only get one and pray that it works. And if you have cancer and need to see what types of treatments are available, sorry, you have to go by the governments recommended process and if it does not work, you are fresh out of luck. Do not even think about getting a second or third opinion on the matter, you get one. Life and death situations, concerning our health, will be taken from our hands. Government run healthcare does not sound that great anymore, does it? But these are real possibilities we face if we hand the system over to them.