Mars is the fourth planet from the sun. This red planet is 3,389.5 kilometers in size. In pop culture, Mars was a symbol of war and aggression for thousands of years. The kilometer size was very shocking to me. Today, mars is covered in toxic soil and zapped with radiation as it says in the "Pop Culture Mars" article. That seems very dangerous. Mars' diameter is half of Earth's diameter. In the article, "Pop Culture Mars," it states that Mars will soon be a place that humans will soon be able to settle at. Mars has changed over many of years. It all started BC (before Christ). I honestly believe Mars has Earth-like features. Studies have shown that there was water found in Mars. I honestly have no idea about what technology that would be made
Mars is a rocky body about half the size of Earth. Like Earth, Mars experiences seasons because of the tilt of its rotational axis, so its distance to the sun changes, according to NASA (n.d.). Telescope observations show water-iced clouds, polar ice, and volcanoes. Mars has the largest Volcanic Mountain in the solar system, named the Olympus Mons and has two moons in its orbit.
Most of the mistakes made on Earth would not be repeated again on Mars. Mars should be colonized, as with the Moon. Inhabiting giant asteroids, other planets and moons and space stations in constant orbit around planets and moons would help solve the problem of overcrowding and world hunger. While it'll be extremely risky, expensive and take many years, but colonizing Mars will be a major factor in the long run. They are almost certain that it will happen eventually if all goes well, and I'm at least sure that it is possible. Space exploration is getting better and cheaper all the time. We still have to develop a lot of technology to be in a position where it is actually possible. Once we are at that stage, it will be relatively easy to go on and colonize the rest of the planets and moons within this solar system. Hopefully one day this will lead us to a point where we can move on to other solar systems and allow our evolutionary chain to expand and continue throughout the Universe. Earth will not be around forever. The main advantage to colonizing Mars is that we, as a species, we will survive the end of the world on Earth. The surface area of Mars is the same as the land area of Earth so that is a doubling of the available land for human use. Physical strength might well be reduced, but in a lower gravity environment, there will be less day to day stress on your body, so your organs should
Throughout multiple chapters, we are greeted with the idea that, for humans, Mars stands as an area to be turned into their own. They take the existence of rockets as permission to plant “their filthy atom bombs”, and to “foul someone else’s manger”. With this,
For over the past century, Mars has seen the spotlight countless times in popular media. War of the World's, published in 1898 by H.G. Wells, was a science fiction novel based on a Martian Invasion. The novel has been continually published since its creation and not only inspired countless inventions, such as the multi stage rocket and the liquid fueled rocket, but also brought the thought of Mars in to the imaginations of the public. Ever since, the world has continually pushed towards Mars with technological advances in aerospace engineering and space exploration. The space race between the United States and the U.S.S.R. started a space craze among the public in both countries.
The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury displays a variety of themes that relate to topics such as isolation, loneliness, and isolations. A quote that accurately portrays the theme of man vs. the natural world comes from the chapter And The Moon Be Still As Bright. The quote is as follows: “We Earth men have a talent for ruining big, beautiful things.” (Bradbury 77)
“I think humans will reach Mars, and I would like to see it happen in my lifetime” was said by Buzz Aldrin, a NASA astronaut. The former American aeronaut from Montclair, New Jersey believes that since Mars does exist, it is waiting to be reached by humans. When this would happen, he says that the human race would “evolve into a two-planet species.” Present day Mars has a lot of canyons, mountains and volcanoes. Even though the surface is Mars is very old, scientists learned about different younger rift valleys, plains, hills and ridges. According to recent reports, there were lakes and rivers, along with an ocean billions of years ago. The low temperatures on the planet cause there to be polar ice caps and frozen water present.
The topic of Mars has long been of interest to astronomers and science fiction enthusiast alike. The premise of another planet supporting life excites people like no other. In 2004, The United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration, or NASA, began preliminary science experiments and instrument proposals for the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) and a robotic space probe mission to Mars. After long testing and development stages, the mission birthed a rover, Curiosity, which was launched in November 2011 and subsequently landed August 6th 2012. As we speak Curiosity is collecting invaluable data for our understanding of mars including: habitability, climate and geology, and possibly setting up a manned mission to mars in the
Mars has more than one moon, unlike Earth. It actually has 2 Phobos and Deimos. As of right now we do not know how these moons were created. The red planet also has a lot of the same features as Earth. Imagine the whole Earth was a massive dessert and it acted how a desert did. Mars has massive dust storms on the surface of the planet, these are the largest in the solar system. Also it can even snow on Mars! This isn’t ordinary snow like what we have on Earth because it is composed of carbon dioxide not water. Scientists believe the snowflakes are about the size of red blood cell so they aren’t very big.
By reading this article, we told that Mars is no longer a liveable planet as what the scientists have thought before. Mariner 4 gave the close-up portrait of the Red Planet and it showed that it was cold and dry. Mars did not have water and flocks of oxygen. Moreover, the surface is filled with ultraviolet light which harm for us. The theory
In the Martian Chronicles there were multiple people who had different views on the way they should use Mars. For example Jeff Spender, can see that his men do not have respect for this planet, so he decides that he should kill off the crew in an effort to preserve Mars. Father Peregrine was a priest and wants to convert the Martians to Christianity and is ready to adapt and change around them. He doesn’t want to change them because he understands that he is on their planet.
The Martian Chronicles, by Ray Bradbury, is a science-fiction book and was written in 1946. This major work by Bradbury is a collection of short stories relating to Mars or Martians. Bradbury had a clear vision of the Mars in which these stories are set. His vision was one of a fantasy world from the Martians point of view. In this work, the humans from Earth are the aliens from outer space. Bradbury has won many awards including the O. Henry Memorial Award, the Benjamin Franklin Award, the Aviation-Space Writers Association Award, the World Fantasy Award for lifetime achievement, and the Grand Master Award from the Science Fiction Writers of America. Bradbury supported his awards
Soon Mars could become another livable planet with people walking around on it. Earth is being overpopulated fast and Mars could be the solution. Mars has territory that the Earth needs. Once scientists send a few people and learn about mars we can send more people up to Mars. Eventually mars will be just like Earth, with cities, farms and people roaming around. People going up to mars can build us a new planet.
It is also said that the United States government has the technology to travel to Mars and that they have secretly taken humans from planet earth over to Mars since the late 60's. It is said that Mars has is very much like Earth and not as red as commonly portrayed on the surface. Vegetation is said to be scarce on the moon and therefore there is not much oxygen
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There are many planets in our solar system that could be potentially be one day terraformed, some of which have moons already with water and possibly life on them already. Why would we waste our time with Mars then? Mars has always fascinated humans. “In August 1996, the public was captivated with NASA’s announcement that a meteorite from Mars may contain evidence of early microscopic life.” Reconsidering Life (1). It has been used in movies, books, television, and games, so you could say that mars is quite famous. Besides having an important history, Mars holds all of the elements that are needed for life to exist. It holds Wwater, which may be frozen at the polar ice caps, carbon and oxygen in the form of carbon dioxide (CO2), and nitrogen which is an important element to help create our atmosphere. “T here are amazing similarities between the Martian atmosphere that exists today and the atmosphere that existed on Earth billions of years ago. ” How