
Pope Francis Research Paper

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The person that I am about to write about argued against the church because they weren’t helping the poor well. He hosted a lunch for the poor in Assisi. He said to the poor people, “You have all been stripped by this savage world”. We need more people to help with this bad thing happening in this world. He is trying to get us and the church to donate more money to the people in need for it. This is why I picked this person. The person I pick is Pope Francis. He donated his time and money for those people in the world dieing. He would visit people in hospitals and pray next to there bed. He travels everywhere in the world to see the people in need of shelter, food, water, and family. He had a big mass and a little kid went up on the stage …show more content…

After he was done praying with them he went to a jail and kissed every person in jail on their feet. He is a great example of the peripheries. He did good by going to the jail and kissing all those prisoners feet to bring them hope and a life when they get out of jail. He went to this woman’s house and prayed beside her because she was scared. When she was younger she was raped and know it has affect her life and can’t get out and trust a man. He prayed beside her and said,” you will be fine as long as you trust in the man you chose and pray to God to see if you have made the right choose. He went back to the Vatican but just as soon as he got back he went away again and helped the homeless. When he was done with his time with the homeless he went to a person in India and kissed him. The guy had neurofibramotis, a genetic disorder. I makes your skin all wrinkled. He went to back to the Vatican and fought against child abuse. He was mad at the church again because they weren’t helping child abuse well at all. He had a great thing happen in Syria. He codemned the violence of the war happening

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