
Popular Education For Critical Consciousness

Decent Essays

INTRODUCTION Popular Education can be described as, “education for critical consciousness.” Popular Education originated from the Brazilian educator and writer Paulo Freire In the 1960’s and 1970’s, who at the time was writing in the context of literacy education for the poor and politically disempowered people in his country. Popular Education is a process which aims to empower people who feel inferior socially and politically to take control of their own learning in order to effect social change. Popular Education is a learning process which is accessible to individuals who have a variety of education levels, deals with issues people face in their communities, motivates people to a place of action, is based on the lived experience of …show more content…

Popular Education is popular for stating that if we can’t teach another person then we can at least facilitate learning and work as a team helping each other as we learn. When it comes to Adult Education and Popular Education learners are encouraged to look at their lives and relate their lives to the current social conditions. Popular Education stresses the importance for the people to have the capacity for social change. As an adult Educator one can facilitate the process by serving as democratic collaborators who make sure learning, leadership, and self-direction occur in the group. I found this topic to be very interesting with adult education and how it encourages learners to examine their lives critically and take action to change social conditions. This paper will describe popular education methods, some challenges, and offer other insights for adult educators.
The Popular Education learning process starts with identifying and describing everyone 's own personal experience, and the knowledge that is built through various activities done in groups. Popular Education begins after a learning activity has concluded, where a debriefing process is used to analyze the situation together. During this process Adult learners are able to see the links between our own experiences and historical and global processes which

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