
Popular Toys Effect On Children

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Popular toys have an effect on the media. Take for example, Toy Story a popular childrens movie that featured many toys as protagonist in the story and see how the movie had an effect on the toys that were being sold. If it was not for the movie, then the Toy Story toys would not have sold nearly as well as if they were in the movie. According to the article,Social media firestorm awakens toymakers to an absent Rey, it states,¨ Twitter exploded with the hashtag #WheresRey¨.In the movie Star Wars: The Force Awakens Rey was the leading character in the movie. Fans who have watched the movie knew this because they went and watched the movie. From the trailers it seemed as if Rey was going to be a small character in the movie where she actually was the hero that went and saved the day. Exampling from the article stated above, Disney was holding back on the Rey toys to avoid giving away a key plot point to the fans of the Star Wars movie.

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