This theory is appropriate because upon resolution of the identified problem, a specific population’s overall health will be improved which aligns with the goal of the model. Another reason the concept is suitable is all five assumptions of the model are highlighted when the model is applied to the identified problem in practice. An interdisciplinary approach will have to be utilized when assisting the non-service connected veterans suffering from mental health illness in obtaining services in the community. Next all 17 principles of population-based practice will be considered during the process. Fourthly, an assessment will be completed of the identified problem resulting in policy development and a pledge of resolution. Finally, the action
Therefore, Spelman, Hunt, Seal, & Burgo-Black (2012) recommend that the best practices for care should consist of an interdisciplinary approach involving integrated teams of primary care, mental health, and social work providers which can normalize and de-stigmatize mental health treatment. Recognizing that co-located, interdisciplinary care may not be feasible for many providers, they suggest utilizing local resources and facilitating interagency collaboration with local Veteran Centers or with the VA (Spelman et al., 2012).
The incorporation of evidenced-based practice (EBP) into nursing practice is supported by research to positively improve the quality of care and improve patient outcomes. EBP is important to the nursing profession because it also leads to increased job satisfaction, teamwork, and levels of engagement in clinicians (Melnyk, et al., 2017). Miniature research projects such as quality improvement projects, surveys, and clinical research studies are frameworks used to get feedback and data from patients during their time spent in health care systems. EBP is not the standard of care in many health care systems (Melnyk, et al., 2017). This due to many factors, including lack of EBP mentors, nursing programs that do not incorporate EBP into the curriculum,
. The leaders in the mental and medical care, therefore have to find way to meet the need of the diverse communities that use the most appropriate strategies. This will illustrate where the duties in these organization such as mental health and medical services provide some type of assistance. My desires are to provided leaders opportunities to grow personally and professionally in making all decision. As we gather information with a vision to delivery support and give inspiration to each
The Mental Health Intensive Case Management program (MHICM) was created to improve the quality of life for people dealing with severe mental illness. Also to helped build skills that one can use to live successfully in the community at large. Veterans who are referred to MHICM are male and female range in age from there early twenty’s to their eighties. Unfortunately the main diagnosed for many of these veterans is schizophrenia and other severe mood disorders. “No one symptom or sign is found in all individuals; rather, the final diagnosis rest upon the total symptom picture” (E. Fuller Torrey, 2001) Veterans who are in the program, suffer from a wide range of complex needs such as finding food, shelter and clothing
The article prompts for furthering studies to be initiated for the purpose of reforming the mental health care system. The basis of this article includes the idea that the therapeutic community model may aid in the effectiveness of rehabilitation, along with nurturing social integration of mental health casualties. Furthermore, the modeling themes consist of democratization, acceptance, communalism, reality confrontation, and reciprocal relationships. As a whole, staff members and casualties are not as divided; distinctions between both ends are minimized. With some limitations at hand, acceptance and communalism allows everyone to become an important piece in maintaining the wellbeing of the community. Additionally, members are expected to
This paper will examine the best nursing practice for standardizing shift-to-shift reports. I became interested in this topic after hearing my mother talk about her day floating to a floor at her hospital. She received report on her patients from two different nurses that morning. Each nurse gave her different information and both were missing information that she considered vital to the care of her patients. She normally works in the ICU and on the step-down medical surgical floor, which both use a version of a template that was designed by one of the nurses to facilitate a standardized shift-to-shift
According to CLPNA (2005), “nurses should ddemonstrate knowledge of the elements and impact of nursing research and evidence-based practice such as improved quality of practice and changes to practice based on new data. This competency is crucial for the professionalism in nursing practice”.
Public policy refers to “a system of laws, regulatory measures, courses of action, and funding priorities promulgated by governmental entity or its representatives”(Blau & Abramovitz, 2014). One public policy that is gaining attention from United States Senators is the Expand Excellence in Mental Health Act. We can gain a better understanding of this act by taking a look at a recent public policy related to mental healthcare, the values in the Code of Ethics, social welfare programs, stakeholder groups, and Joel Blau’s five elements model. This will give us a better understanding into the social problem and public policy related to access to mental healthcare.
Thank you for answering my question. I appreciate your thorough response. To answer your question: what would be the factors that could reduce this stigma and encourage the veterans to integrate good mental health?
Itroduction: Evidence-based practice is an approach to medicine that uses scientific evidence to determine the best practice (Beyea & Slattery, 2006). As nurses perform their daily tasks they must continually ask themselves, “What is the evidence for this intervention?”. Nurses are well positioned to question current nursing practices and use evidence to make care more effective. In order to improve patients’ outcomes it is the responsibility of the nurse to transition evidence-based practice into the norm, through application of daily practice (Flynn Makic, Rauen, Watson & Will Poteet, 2014). Continual evaluation of current practice must be performed to ensure the use of evidence-based practice opposed to practice based upon tradition. The implementation of evidence-based practice standardizes healthcare practices and diminishes groundless variations within care. These variations lead to the production of uncertain health outcomes (Stevens, 2013).
In its article, “How do we fix America’s Mental Health Care System?”, the Nami organization states that, there are problems in the mental health care system that needs to be solved for the greater good to the people. It claims that America has limited access to treatment in mental health care system, and therefore, there should be various solutions that can solve the problem. It supports this by providing list of ideas that could be initiated in the near future. Likewise, President of the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance, Allen Doederlein mentions that, healthcare professionals from the same background as the patient could provide more effective treatments. This could be worth considering because, it could remove the negative thoughts
more faith in the nursing services that practices research based care, for example, The well-established University Malaya Medical Centre in Malaysia is well-known for its tremendous research and its successful application in the clinical practice (Universiti Malaya Medical Centre, 2014) . Therefore, the Institute of Medicine (2010) aims that by the year 2020, 90% of the clinical decisions expected to follow evidence based practices to improve the health and prevent harm to the patients.
The trend in psychiatric care is shifting from that of inpatient hospitalization to a focus of outpatient care within the community. Community mental health services include all those activities in the community connected with mental health other than the institutional or hospitalized setting. The community approach focuses on the total population of defined geographical area rather than individual patient. Emphasis is mainly on preventive services which include provision of a continuous, comprehensive system of services designed to meet all mental health related needs in the community. Mental health care is provided. through education, consultation, brief psychotherapy, crisis
Mental health might be considered one of the most disadvantaged sectors of our present healthcare structure. In many communities, especially rural and remote communities, mental health resources are often thinly stretched and there are fewer people entering in to mental health specialities (Hutten-Czapski 2001, Pawlenko 2005, Craven & Bland 2006, Mulvale & Bourgeault 2007).
One in four people in the world will be affected by a mental or neurological disorder during their lifetime. Approximately 450 million people suffer from mental health disorders globally. 44%-70% of the population worldwide does not receive healthcare treatment for mental disorders (WHO, 2011). The United Nation’s health agency urges governments to break away from large mental institutions and towards community health care, and integrate mental health care into primary health care and the general health care system.