
Population Control In Society

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According to Sigmund Freud humans must repress their base desires and freedoms in order to adapt to society, thus taking away happiness. This could since a functioning society’s main goal is to increase its population as rapidly as possible, so that more work can be done so that more people can be born and so on, and it achieves this goal in one main. The main way it does this is by protecting its citizens from threats, internal and external, which would harm the population causing a decrease in the potential population. Which end up restricting the population. People must reduce their aggression if they wish to be efficient in society. Society could not work if large portion of the members of society were murdering continually. If a large portion of people were murdering continuously then it can be expected that a good portion of the population would die causing a decrease in the society's productivity. If a decent portion of the population gets murdered then in the next generation there won't be more people leading to stagnant productivity. Or If a decent portion of people get killed in the society then the society fails at its purpose which is to offer protection not only that, bu usually exchange for the freedom of the people so that people may reproduce. Most people can not help society if they are busy torturing people this is the case since torturing takes time and effort in order to properly pull off and for society to be productive it needs people to work which also takes time and effort which means that most people can’t torture and work all while getting appropriate amounts of sleep and food. And if people were torturing others then a lot of people are not being as productive as possible thereby reducing the productivity of the population while harming it. Not only that, but then there are the effects of the torture. If people are torturing people by physical or chemical pain then there are chances of death, sickness, physical or mental, or debilitating injuries, some of which could cause sterility, and all of this can lower productivity and go against the main propose of society. Some Societies make it practically impossible to be a member after being to aggressive. This happens since people don’t

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