Now the test is in simple view, we face the globalization of anti-globalization, a common face of populists, and nationalists on a worldwide spectrum. We must, consequently, support ourselves for a lengthy struggle, possibly even a generational struggle. This is but a post-liberal world. The forces after the popular front of populism are strong, and traditional parties are often weak, and such waves are not undone overnight.
According to past studies done, only roughly 55% of registered voters actually vote. the other 45% may have just not wanted to vote, or they may have not been able to for multiple reasons. Ever since America was founded, there have always opticals put up intentionally to restrict voting without clearly stating that they are restricting voting. If America claims that we are a “democracy”, which according to the dictionary is “a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives”, then America should make it easier to vote so all citizens can be included in the choices of our country. Ways to make this possible is by fixing the voter ID laws, create automatic registration, and change the voting date.
In the 2020 election, I will vote because of this year being my ninth grade year. Currently, the next president is President Elect Trump. When I vote I will have to take in consideration what he has done for our country and what the other candidates have planned.
In a modernized society that highly values civil rights and equality, it is paramount for every citizen of a country to vote. Throughout history, people of minority and many others have fought for the notorious right to vote, and some even putting their lives on the line. Thus, a blessing of compulsory voting will not only give everybody an opportunity to voice how their country would like to be governed, but also presents a fair representation of what people want. One shouldn’t discount compulsory voting to pose a havoc on civil rights, it grants everyone that right regardless of citizenship and class. Countries should adopt compulsory voting, as countries will govern better and citizens would be happier as their country would be controlled by how they like.
Since the beginning of the United States government, Americans have had the right to vote. This right is entitled to most citizens of America, but it is not entitled to citizens that have been convicted of felonies. This is called disenfranchisement; where an ex-felon cannot vote, own a weapon or go into the army. Specifically, voter disenfranchisement; only two states in the US are not subject to this law. In the past 40 years due to disenfranchisement the United States criminal justice system has withheld the voting rights of 6.1 million Americans due to their convictions. Maine and Vermont do not hold restrictions due to past felonies. With over 3.1 million civilians out of prisons or other facilities this hurts the overall point of democracy, making it unconstitutional to withhold these rights that are stated in the amendments for the knowledge of American citizens.
The US democratic system is vanishing. Modern news media, coupled with social media, has fostered this. With the democratic process already being egregious and time-consuming, The media has the job of preserving the truth. The media have created narratives to match their crooked agenda. These agendas have exemplified during the 2016 presidential election. Information has faded away from the far-right to the far-left of the political spectrum. Social media's reach of the masses further spread this misinformation based on lack of data. With the press's importance in our democracy, our government should aid in facilitating a bipartisan impartial committee dedicated to preserving data. They will guarantee that all media outlets will engender a perfect
The article “European Populists Who Aped Brexit and Trump Rethink Their Approach” by Stacy Meichtry, Anton Troianovski and Marcus Walker, supports the idea that globalization is an ideology. However, the populist politicians believed this would be a year that they shook up the establishment, instead, their attacks on the European Union brought election losses. This has caused the populist politicians to rethink their positions. Most of Europe’s far-right politicians believe now that their attempt to align themselves with the antiestablishment uprising behind the U.K.’s vote to exit the EU and Trump’s U.S. presidential victory backfired. A far-right National Front parliamentary candidate Hervé de Lépinau, attacked his own party, saying that making a French exit from the euro part of their platform was an absurdity. While the far-right and populist parties is running high, with the economy gaining steam, some voters say it wouldn’t take much for them to switch their support back.
Let me tell you who does not serve. It does not serve you the American people. A quote from the leader of the free Donald J Trump. But I ask you this mister trump what American people are you referring to? I’ve done a little research and according to my sources in 2016 under the Obama presidency the nation took in 40 000 immigrants from majority Muslim countries. Since then with the inauguration of America’s new leader in January the witch hunt on Muslim immigrants and refugees has been amplified to new extremes. Trump is acting as a modern-day Abigail Williams in this witch hunt against 1.6 Billion of the population.
In the words of Jack Prelutsky, “Homework! Oh, Homework! You’re last on my list, I simply can’t see why you even exist”. Prelutsky’s poem “Homework! Oh, Homework!” conveys the thoughts of students around the world about the terrible burden of homework. Contrary to the popular belief that homework is beneficial to students, research is now showing that it is detrimental to the student’s mental, physical, and social health.
The right to vote, a responsibility given to us citizens of America and Pennsylvania. However, there are monumental numbers that prove that the majority of people fail to take advantage of the opportunity they are blessed with by just being a citizen in America. Educating new voters, increasing the communication of the election times, and making political platforms more accessible are the three main ways in which more people will feel more enticed to vote.
Students, parents, teachers, administrators and other interested parties all seem to have strong and different feelings towards homework. Students complain that they have too much homework to complete outside of the hours they already attended classes. Students feel that they have personal lives to live and blow off homework while some parents and teachers believe that homework is the key to passing classes and preparation for college. This leads to teachers feeling pressured to push their students to succeed and this can easily get carried away. Parents and school systems still often discuss the topic of homework today. Should homework in school systems be stopped?
Imagine if you had three pages of homework in five of your classes, practice, a job, or any other extracurricular activity after school with no time to do your homework at home. Adding a study skill at East Jordan Middle High School will provide students time to do their homework and allow them to get help from a teacher. Without time to do their homework at school, most students just won't do it. Therefore, EJMHS must provide every student with study skills, in order to allow students to catch up on their grades, manage their time, and relieve their stress from homework.
Have you ever tried to finish something after you’ve been busy all day, you're out of time, and you have no one to help you? Students try to do this far too often. Students are handed mountains of homework that despite their best efforts, they cannot finish. I would know, I am a junior high student after all. Far too many times I’ve seen students struggle to complete homework and their mental health has suffered. It’s obvious students shouldn’t have so much homework. First of all, teachers can’t help student's when they are struggling to complete assignments at home. Secondly, homework puts teens under immense amounts of stress. Lastly, students often don’t possess the time with their busy schedules. Students should have less homework because students won’t have a teacher’s assistance in completing assignments, It stresses students out, and the majority of students don’t have enough time to finish homework and do things important to them.
Many educators believe that homework is the perfect way to prepare their students for academic success. As a result of this belief, students receive several hours of homework each and every school night. On top of being given various assignments after the school day is finished, we are also expected as young adolescents to participate in extracurricular activities and attend school functions. Which leads to an important question that me and my fellow seniors have for school teachers and administrators: How on earth do you expect us to manage seven hours of sitting in a classroom five days a week, complete hours worth of homework, work part time, and take part in school activities? We are only human and sadly, there are only 24 hours in a day. Somewhere in those 24 hours we want to spend time with our families, friends, and actually get more than just a couple hours of sleep.
Student athletes and students in general have been loaded down with homework for the past couple of years. It has caused major stress and drowsiness that leads to failing grades. Because the homework is overwhelming, most students cannot keep up and fall under the heavy load. Many students have tried telling their teachers about their busy schedules, but most say there is no excuse. Although many believe in the importance of homework, too much causes exhaustion, stress, and a decrease in a student athletes performance which can ultimately prevent them from receiving scholarships needed to pursue their career.
Schools are allowed to confiscate phones and search them without a warrant as long as they have reasonable suspicion, but often times, people do not understand what reasonable suspicion is, which leads to phones being searched at unnecessary times, and students’ privacy being invaded. In order for a person to use reasonable suspicion as their reason to search another person’s belongings, they must be able to state specific facts that are significant enough to lead to a search. Rumors or anonymous tips that do not include any detail are not reason enough to conduct a search on a student because they are often false and spread to hurt the individual. Though reasonable doubt has specific guidelines, many people, like professor Amy Vorenberg, do not only have issues with its misuse, but also the legality of it in general. In 2012, Vorenberg wrote an article which argued that warrantless searches of student phones violated students’ privacy and could possibly go against the fourth amendment of the US Constitution. The fourth amendment is, “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” Some people believe that warrantless searches of students’ phones violate the fourth amendment to the US